Glyphicus' Worm CYOA V6
Original CYOA Brigade's Mod Lt. Ouroumov's ModTwo entities spiral through space, past stars and planets alike. Their parts shift between dimensions. Approaching a world, one you recognize as Earth, they shatter into hundreds of millions of pieces into millions of Earths. The shattered pieces, shards of the entities, take root on empty Earths before bonding with humans. Humans at their lowest, who would go on to learn through conflict. Through this, they would advance the entity. Something went wrong with their cycle this time. A mistake causes the more intelligent of the entities to crash into a planet where it is, not long after, put down. The entity's shards remain, in the hands of those who wish the death of the other entity, but things are not so easy. Even with all the Parahumans, those bonded with the entities' shards, working in perfect unison, humanity would stand no chance against the remaining entity in a fight. However, you may change that. You had the luck to be born in a world with an unrestricted Precog who didn't know he was one; Wildbow aka John C. McCrae. Unfortunately, your whole universe is a blindspot for all Thinkers sans the entity itself. Wildbow's predictions, while perfect, do not account for your shared universe's existence. Your shared universe is many years ahead of Earth Aleph and Bet, where it is still 2011, or even earlier. One day a portal opened up under you while you slept... An alien with a grudge against the Entity decided to make you into something that can stop your species' destruction at the hands of the entities, as had happened to his own species, or at the very least ensure that the Entity died. Its name roughly translates to Last One. Disclaimer: I don't own Worm, Ward, or any of their characters. All rights to those go to John C. McCrae aka Wildbow. This is merely a non-profit fanwork. I made none of the pictures in this CYOA and their rights go to their respective artists. I am planning on finding out as many of the artists as I can, and I'll list the names they go by here: pabel and Nine, Super WhiteV, Togizz, JK ↓, ARIIRF.com, ⸸ Mafia, Blueblurapple, Carl Rosendahl, Pavel Tomashevskiy, shim, Velspar, Cyrix, Lonsheep, MonsterLover12, TheStarlitOrangeTree, aerryi, christoefour, Carlos (karu3d) García, Robert Zietara, Tomasz Jedruszek. If you know the name any of the artists use, please send me a message on Reddit, along with which picture(s) they made. Real Author: PixelGMS (On Reddit and Fanfiction.net) or SoundByte (On SufficientVelocity and Spacebattles) I'm fine with anyone using this as a basis to make their own CYOA as long as they give me credit where credit is due. Remade in HTML by: Brigade Additional Content by: Glyphicus Additional Ideas from: Aldar, Amon_Day, BenFang322, Chrissy, gralan, Ido, Minoke, Neo, Ner0, Nicolie, pishSandwich, Punchingtucan, and Umbra
1.) This is an Interactive CYOA. This means you need to click any option you're taking. 2.) When something says Incompatible: or Required: followed by a single item, and it does this multiple times, then it means each of those items are required or incompatible. If it has Incompatible: or Required: and then multiple items with commas inbetween them, that means that only one of those items are required. 3.) Some sections have requirements that aren't shown for the sake of space. Make sure you've checked every tab before moving on to the next section.
Meta (Target)
Who are your choices affecting?
Meta (Awareness)
Were these choices made by the target? If so, in what form did they make their choices?
Each section in the alignment section reflects yourself and your plans for the future. This is not an absolute scale, just a rough approximation. You can change your alignment, and your bonus will change with it. Feel free to bend the definitions quite a bit.
Lawful Alignment
Lawful Alignment regards how you view the law, rules, and your willingness to be lead by others.
Moral Alignment
Moral Alignment regards how selfish and kind you are.
Cape Alignment
Cape Alignment regards which side you fall on in the game of Capes. If you act in a way that blatantly goes against your chosen role, you will lose the benefits. You will not get the benefits from whatever your new role is.
The portal completely tore you apart until only your consciousness remained. This area is for opening and closing areas relating to your new body. [Author's Note: I suggest just pressing Open All. This is mostly just for my convenience.]
How are you going to survive the loss of your body?
How old is your body? Answer: Negative something seconds old, it hasn't been created yet. How old is your body going to look, though? Your body will biologically be that old. As long as it fits the chosen age range, you can choose the exact age
Your sex, aka whether your body is male, female, or other.
Your consciousness is being tweaked to be compatible with your chosen body, so you don't need to spend months trying to figure out how to move your body correctly. While you're at it, do you want to change your gender? (Gender is what you identify as.)
This won't get very specific, only very general. As long as it fits your choices, you can choose to look however you want. What do you look like?
You've chosen to character-insert into someone you know of from Wildbow's predictions. Who will it be? All data is assuming it's April 8, 2011. If you choose a Scenario prior to your chosen person's birth, you will awaken when your brain first develops in the womb. You will not go insane from this. Warning: If you character-insert into a member of the Protectorate, Wards, or New Wave, you will likely be put under M/S protocols either due to Gallant's sudden inability to read your emotions and/or Panacea's sudden inability to see your brain, or the fact that Gallant can still see your emotions and Panacea can still see your brain causing them to believe you've been Mastered (mind controlled).
What do you do as a civilian? You gain the memories and skills of the person you reincarnate as, so as long as they had the prerequisite knowledge, you do too.
What is your job? You have the necessary/prerequisite skills and knowledge for any option you take here.
Where do you go to school? If it's Summer, this is where you're going to school at the start of the next school year. You have the necessary/prerequisite skills and knowledge for any option you take here.
Home Life
What is your life like outside of education/work?
Powers are granted through connecting to shards of the entities. Which type of Shard do you have?
Shard Ranking
How powerful is your Shard? This effects the maximum strength of powers you can receive.
Be The Shard
Is being placed into the world of Worm to much for you? How about I turn you into a massive crystalline supercomputer instead. As a Shard you will be granting your powers to a host instead.
Shard Perks And Drawbacks
As a shard you have several innate abilities. You can perceive everything your host can; You can understand everything they are thinking as well. You have an innate understanding of the powers you can give out and the mechanics by which they operate. this lets you use thinker powers you have chosen. You can communicate with shards in their system of communication. If any of your hosts are in a cluster with other parahumans than you have a connection both to the shards and parahumans in the cluster. You can use your perks from this section on those cluster members at a weakened strength. You have a finite ability to access energy. Some perks use this energy. You can store energy for later use.
Some perks grant you additional abilities as a shard. These perks gain text in this color.
Shard Influence
You are pushed toward conflict by your Shard. How bad is it? If you choose no options here, your Shard will not alter your personality in any way, shape, or form. Your Shard might still push you toward conflict through strengthening your powers during times of conflict. These can all be improved through therapy and effort.
Power Drawbacks
Your shard failed to properly create your power. If you take no options here than I will repair it to fix your power.
Point Conversion
Do you need some more points to get what you want? Trade all you like.
Perks are side-effects of either your power or your travel to Earth Bet that benefit you
Drawbacks are side-effects of either your power or your travel to Earth Bet that harm or hinder you.
You will find that you've had skills downloaded into your mind, kinda like the Matrix. Choose what skills, if any, you've installed. By default, if applicable, your new body will have the muscle memory of having done this skill.
Weapons are commonly used by Capes. Regardless of what you choose here, you can still get a weapon once you're on Earth Bet. If a type of weapon fits multiple categories, you only need to choose one.
Things like a phone, a Cape costume, etc. You can choose whether each physical item is sent to a warehouse where you can retrieve it at a later date, if they'll be teleported to your person, or if they'll be teleported to your house/dorm. You will know the location of the warehouse, and no one will steal or destroy your stuff before you retrieve them.
Secret Base
How large is your base? This affects the maximum number of rooms.
How hidden is your 'secret' base? This determines how easy it is for others to find your base.
What kinds of rooms does your base have?
Open and close power-related sections. [Author's Note: I suggest just pressing Open All. This is mostly just for my own convenience.]
Power Classifications
The following text is copied from the Worm wiki, worm.fandom.com. Mover - An ability that enhances mobility. Shaker - An ability with an area of effect. Brute - An ability that grants enhanced strength or durability. Breaker - An ability that allows the cape to shift into another state. Master - An ability that allows a cape to control others or create minions. Tinker - An ability that allows a cape to create or alter devices with futuristic technology. (Tinker Technology includes black boxes in it that make it very difficult to reproduce.) Blaster - A ranged, offensive ability. Thinker - An ability that focuses on information gathering. Striker - An ability that is melee-ranged or touch-based. Changer - An ability that allows the cape to alter their form or appearance. Trump - An ability that allows the cape to manipulate powers in some capacity. Stranger - An ability that focuses on stealth or infiltration. You can Second Trigger to make your powers more powerful or versatile, but it requires a traumatic event. If you had an actual trigger event, then the nature of the trauma must be similar to that.
Tier 4 Powers
These powers do not require Shards. One of these isn't even enough to make you a street-level Cape on its own, though if you're clever and skilled enough it might give you enough of an edge for you to succeed. These are all caused by your own biology, due to the effects of the dimensional transfer, so a biokinetic or biotinker might be able to remove these powers without touching your brain.
Tier 3 Powers
These powers are, while not weak, not something that would allow you to solo an Endbringer. You may take no more than 5, unless you have Less Limited Power.
(Mover) Feather
You can make yourself weightless. While weightless you can fly at a speed of 15 mph. Forces that act on you push you to match their speed, such as wind.
Second Trigger
You can control the direction of the wind around you.
Second Trigger
You can control the direction of the wind around you.
(Mover/Striker) Rail
You can move any object or person you touch a distance up to 20 meters in any direction in a straight line. While moving, these objects are largely resistant to damage. Small, hand-held objects move at roughly seventy-five miles an hour, while objects the size of a car move half that speed.
Second Trigger
You can set complex paths for objects to follow.
Second Trigger
You can set complex paths for objects to follow.
(Mover) Stairway to Heaven
You can walk, run, and stand on air. You can also walk back down to the ground if you want. You can use this to stop yourself in mid air or skid at any speed, just prepare for an impact.
Second Trigger
You can alter the properties of the air you are touching. You can make it elastic, rigid, fluid, solid, etc.
Second Trigger
You can alter the properties of the air you are touching. You can make it elastic, rigid, fluid, solid, etc.
(Mover) Summoning
You can summon anyone you've ever seen to any location within 5 meters of you as long as there is enough open space. The person you are attempting to summon is aware that you are attempting to summon them and can refuse if they so wish. This works on people you have seen an accurate image of. This does not work across dimensions.
Second Trigger
You can wear down people's resistance with effort and time, letting you teleport them to you even if they resist.
Second Trigger
You can wear down people's resistance with effort and time, letting you teleport them to you even if they resist.
(Mover) What He's Having
At will, you can target any object in your line of sight and 'lock' yourself to it. While 'locked', you always maintain the same relative position to it that you had when you first activated this ability. You can 'unlock' yourself at any time, disabling this effect. You are immune to friction while this is active. Breaking line of sight does not disable the 'locking' effect.
Second Trigger
You can 'lock' any object in your line of sight to maintain its relative position to you.
Second Trigger
You can 'lock' any object in your line of sight to maintain its relative position to you.
(Mover) Position Control
You can switch the location of any two people as long as the difference in mass is no larger than 50% that of the larger of the two.
Second Trigger
You can switch objects as well as people, and can swap objects with a large mass difference with concentration.
Second Trigger
You can switch objects as well as people, and can swap objects with a large mass difference with concentration.
(Mover/Thinker) Stutter
You have absolute awareness of any and all matter within 5 meters of yourself, and can teleport to anywhere within 4 meters of yourself. Your cool down is half a second. All living beings in the spot you're teleporting will be teleported just outside of where you chose to teleport.
Second Trigger
This power no longer has a Manton Limit and can telefrag people.
Second Trigger
This power no longer has a Manton Limit and can telefrag people.
(Mover) When Pigs Fly
You can fly! Your acceleration is kinda slow, 3 m/s², but your maximum speed is Mach 2! If you're moving fast when you first start to fly, you'll keep your velocity, but unless you start by jumping off a motorcycle or have other Mover powers, that's only going to start you off at a couple miles per hour.
Second Trigger
You can now accelerate to full speed nearly instantly.
Second Trigger
You can now accelerate to full speed nearly instantly.
(Mover) Blink!
You can teleport to anywhere you can see. If you're a Noctis Cape, you can teleport to anywhere you've seen since getting your powers. You can teleport to other universes with this. You cannot use this power to co-inhabit the same space as another being, you will either teleport inside the being or right outside of them.
Second Trigger
This power no longer has a Manton Limit and can telefrag people.
Second Trigger
This power no longer has a Manton Limit and can telefrag people.
(Mover/Blaster/Shaker) The Last Airbender
You are an airbender, you can manipulate air through the use of martial arts. You find learning how to airbend to be intuitive. Eventually you will be able to use air to slice through iron. You'll also be able to steal air straight from a person's lungs.
Second Trigger
You have mental control over air.
Second Trigger
You have mental control over air.
(Mover/Striker) Spit Marker
Anywhere you've ever touched, or a part of your body larger than a cubic millimeter has touched, there will be a marker that you can teleport to. This does not allow you to travel to other universes, nor to other planets. You will not be able to teleport to it if there is no location within 2 meters of the marker than has enough open space for you.
Second Trigger
You can take people and objects too heavy to lift you are touching with you when you teleport.
Second Trigger
You can take people and objects too heavy to lift you are touching with you when you teleport.
(Mover/Master) Seeing Double
You can teleport to anywhere in your line of sight. You leave behind a clone of yourself that has all of your powers besides Seeing Double when you teleport. These clones will crumble into dust after 30 seconds or they are killed. You do not suffer mental degradation from this power.
Second Trigger
You can control your clones as if they were all a part of a hive mind.
Second Trigger
You can control your clones as if they were all a part of a hive mind.
(Mover/Striker) Kaze
You can teleport up to 20 meters by swinging a weapon. While teleporting, innumerable versions of yourself occupy the space in the area between your departure and arrival point, each moving for a fraction of a second. The distance you teleport is determined by the arc of your swing.
Second Trigger
You can teleport without swinging a weapon.
Second Trigger
You can teleport without swinging a weapon.
(Mover/Thinker) I am the Shadow
You can teleport to anywhere on the planet where no one is looking, as long as no one is looking at you. If someone is looking at you through Thinker powers, like Clairvoyant, your power still works.You have an awareness of everywhere on the planet that no one is looking. You can't teleport into contact with another living being either, if you try you'll find yourself a couple nanometers away.
Second Trigger
You no longer need to be unobserved when you teleport.
Second Trigger
You no longer need to be unobserved when you teleport.
(Mover) Raven
You can open portals to anywhere your friends are, no matter the distance, no matter the universe. This is the only power that will allow you to return to your home universe. Family you're close to are also considered friends by this power. Your portals have to be within 5 meters of the person you wish to teleport to, and can't be opened inside of them (unless they have any holes in their body big enough for you to enter, in which case you can open your portals inside of those.)
Second Trigger
You can open portals to your enemies.
Second Trigger
You can open portals to your enemies.
(Shaker/Thinker) Target Acquired
Anyone within 300 meters of you will glow any color you want. They can even be seen through walls or if they're invisible. All parts of this power are toggleable, and you can lower your range however you want. You can decide if others can see the glow, or if you only want specific people to see it.
Second Trigger
You can highlight objects as well as people.
Second Trigger
You can highlight objects as well as people.
(Shaker) Cold Day in Hell
You can freeze over the surfaces around you. A thin layer of ice will form and spread outward from your position to everything within 20 meters.
Second Trigger
You can add layers to existing ice to create structures.
Second Trigger
You can add layers to existing ice to create structures.
(Shaker) Room Temperature Mirage
Within a 15-meter radius around yourself, you can produce sound and light in order to create audiovisual and olfactory illusions. These illusions cannot be loud or bright enough to damage an average person's sight or hearing, but aside from that there is no limit to the complexity of the illusions you can make.
Second Trigger
You can create illusions that can remain in the area for several hours after you leave it.
Second Trigger
You can create illusions that can remain in the area for several hours after you leave it.
(Shaker) Forcefield
You can project an inviolable barrier that is, at most, 3 meters in radius. You need to take down the barrier if you want to move out of the radius of the barrier. There doesn't need to be a delay between taking down a barrier and putting another up, so if you have perfect timing you can technically move at your maximum speed with the forcefield up.
Second Trigger
You can make your forcefields selectively permeable, allowing certain things through if you want.
Second Trigger
You can make your forcefields selectively permeable, allowing certain things through if you want.
(Shaker/Master) Influencer
You can project an aura that causes anyone within 100 feet to feel awe and admiration of you. If they have a reason to feel afraid of you, they will instead be intimidated.
Second Trigger
You can control what emotions your aura makes people feel.
Second Trigger
You can control what emotions your aura makes people feel.
(Shaker/Thinker) Sound of Silence
You have absolute control of all sound within 100 feet of yourself, or about 30 meters. You cannot create sound using this power, but you can absorb it for later use. You can absorb enough sound to equal the energy in a large thermonuclear warhead, but since you can only absorb energy from sound, you'd need millennia to absorb that much without the help of a Tinker.
Second Trigger
You are able to absorb light and convert it to sound.
Second Trigger
You are able to absorb light and convert it to sound.
(Shaker) Minefield
You can create floating opaque spheres in the area around you. Anything that touches a sphere causes it to explode with the force of a grenade. You can fill a 10 meter radius in 10 seconds, packed at a distance of 4 per sq. meter.
Second Trigger
You can control the force of the orbs' explosion.
Second Trigger
You can control the force of the orbs' explosion.
(Shaker/Thinker) Earthbender
You are an earthbender, you can manipulate the earth through the use of martial arts. You find learning how to earthbend to be intuitive. Eventually you will be able to bend metal and magma. This can also be used to detect lies. Theoretically, Earthbending could be used to bloodbend, but since waterbenders can initially only bloodbend on a full moon, and Earth Benders don't have a time when they're significantly stronger, it's likely you would never be able to learn how.
Second Trigger
You have mental control over earth.
Second Trigger
You have mental control over earth.
(Shaker) Hotbox
You can fill an area with gas that knocks people out. You can completely fill an area with a radius of 10 meters with gas within 10 seconds. There is no risk of people dying from inhaling the gas.
Second Trigger
Your gas can have a number of minor effects. It can have the effects of tear gas, or cause paranoia and confusion.
Second Trigger
Your gas can have a number of minor effects. It can have the effects of tear gas, or cause paranoia and confusion.
(Shaker) Gravity
You can alter gravity within 100 feet or 30 meters of yourself. You can change the gravity anywhere from 10% to 500%.
Second Trigger
You can selectively change the gravity experienced of individual objects within your range.
Second Trigger
You can selectively change the gravity experienced of individual objects within your range.
(Shaker) Temporal Tempo
You can make bubbles of slowed, hastened, or frozen time. Frozen time grows at a rate of 1 cubic meter every two minutes. Hastened time at a rate of 1 cubic meter per 15 seconds. Slowed time grows at a rate of 1 meter per 10 seconds. By default slowed time is 10% speed, hastened time is 1000% speed, and frozen time is 0% speed. As slowed time grows slower, or hastened time grows faster, it takes longer and longer to grow. A bubble can be no larger than a cubic kilometer, and you cannot have more than 100 active bubbles. You can pop a bubble at any time. The Siberian, Clockblocker, and Flechette can all pop the bubbles with their powers, though the Siberian will pop when doing so.
Second Trigger
You can instantly create bubbles up to 1 cubic meter in size.
Second Trigger
You can instantly create bubbles up to 1 cubic meter in size.
(Shaker) Telekinesis
You have telekinesis. When you're lifting less than 10 pounds or 4.5 kg in total, you have fine control equal to that of Parian. Otherwise your fine control is decent, but requires a lot of concentration that really can't be given during a battle. Your maximum carrying capacity is 15 tons. Your telekinesis can't move anything faster than you can go without the Quicker than Thunder power or teleportation. Your telekinesis accelerates to maximum velocity in five seconds, no matter how much what you're carrying weighs.
Second Trigger
This power no longer has a Manton Limit.
Second Trigger
This power no longer has a Manton Limit.
(Shaker) Environment Shaping
You can reshape the environment within 100 feet or 30 meters. You can't make anything float while doing this, but as long as they're not levitating, you have pretty much total control of the non-animal environment. You can cause what's basically an earthquake except on a much smaller scale, you can move plants, operate mechanical devices, and more. You can even make it so you have the higher ground. You can reshape the environment fast enough to sink all the ground in your range 1ft per 5 seconds.
Second Trigger
The air is now included in the environment you can manipulate. If you want, you can make things float.
Second Trigger
The air is now included in the environment you can manipulate. If you want, you can make things float.
(Shaker) Storm
You can control the weather within 1000 miles of your location. Your precision on a small scale is not nearly as precise as that of an Airbender, but you can do powerful airblasts. You can form tornadoes or hurricanes on a whim. You could easily destroy society by yourself, but the only thing you could do against an Endbringer is making it sunny, which would stop Leviathan from using the rain. Otherwise, this power is useless against the Endbringers.
Second Trigger
The weather can have a variety of effects, such as fog hiding you with a stranger effect, or tornadoes altering gravity with a shaker effect.
Second Trigger
The weather can have a variety of effects, such as fog hiding you with a stranger effect, or tornadoes altering gravity with a shaker effect.
(Shaker) Edict
You can set a rule onto reality that affects an area within 100 meters of you. There can only have one rule at a time. These rules must be simple, cannot affect people's minds or powers, and cannot directly cause harm to someone.
Second Trigger
You can make a rule permanent in a location by focusing on the desired rule. You can only have 3 permanent rules at a time.
Second Trigger
You can make a rule permanent in a location by focusing on the desired rule. You can only have 3 permanent rules at a time.
(Shaker) Deus Ex Machina
Things tend to go in your favor. Endbringers won't attack the city you're in, you'll almost always win when you gamble, and you won't get hit by a stray shot. This only affects matters of luck. If someone is trying to kill you, it won't make the roof fall on them unless it was already falling apart. Flechette won't manage to shoot the Endbringer core when it's about to kill you unless she was already aiming near the core. The Slaughterhouse 9 is unlikely to target you unless you're either a perfect target for them or you took the Slaughterhouse 8 drawback.
Second Trigger
You are now lucky in the long term as well, though less so than in the short term. You're less likely to get into dangerous situations in the first place.
Second Trigger
You are now lucky in the long term as well, though less so than in the short term. You're less likely to get into dangerous situations in the first place.
(Brute) Captain America
You have a moderately above peak-human body in every way. Your looks are increased by one level, and if they're already at the top level, then you look Parahumanly attractive.
Second Trigger
You have infinite stamina.
Second Trigger
You have infinite stamina.
(Brute/Striker) Vampire
You regenerate when you touch someone else's blood. One quart of someone else's blood would be enough to fully regrow a cut-off arm if it was the only damage done to you. The healing is spread throughout your entire body. You are not an actual vampire and this ability cannot be given to others by biting them.
Second Trigger
You can drain someone's blood as long as they are within 10 meters of you.
Second Trigger
You can drain someone's blood as long as they are within 10 meters of you.
(Brute/Shaker) No, I am Spartacus
Any damage done to you will be spread evenly among any living being larger than a large rat within 10 meters of you. A bullet to the head will probably still kill you, even if there are 10 other people within range of you. It will just also kill all of them.
Second Trigger
You will only be damaged if there are no other living beings to take the damage for you.
Second Trigger
You will only be damaged if there are no other living beings to take the damage for you.
(Brute) Man of Steel
You are stronger than steel. That's about it. Your flesh is like steel, your blood is like molten steel, and your bone is like reinforced steel. They're still flesh, blood, and bone but they're as strong and durable as liquid steel, steel itself, and reinforced steel respectively. You regenerate more quickly than normal.
Second Trigger
Your muscles are like steel springs, giving you massively increased strength.
Second Trigger
Your muscles are like steel springs, giving you massively increased strength.
(Brute/Striker) Do you even lift?
You have tactile telekinesis that allows you to lift anything. This doesn't enhance your punch speed or durability at all. If you pick up something large, you don't need to worry about structural integrity, your power will keep it intact.
Second Trigger
Your power will keep things intact for several hours after you stop touching it.
Second Trigger
Your power will keep things intact for several hours after you stop touching it.
(Brute) Pump It
The longer you fight the more physical power, speed, and durability you acquire. It tops at around 50 times max human potential and takes around 5 minutes of combat to get there.
Second Trigger
You can store up to 5 minutes worth of combat to use to instantly get into top form. However you have to recharge it with more combat.
Second Trigger
You can store up to 5 minutes worth of combat to use to instantly get into top form. However you have to recharge it with more combat.
(Brute/Breaker) Atlas
At any time you can lock the position of your feet to the ground. As long as that ground is there, you cannot be moved until you unlock the position of your feet. When like this you are completely invulnerable, are stronger than even Glory Girl, and have enhanced reflexes. Your wounds do not get worse while you're in this state.
Second Trigger
You can lock your position whenever you want, regardless of whether your feet are touching the ground or not.
Second Trigger
You can lock your position whenever you want, regardless of whether your feet are touching the ground or not.
(Brute/Breaker) Yang it!
Any impact that lands on you will be absorbed and increase your strength. It will still harm you as much as the level of impact can. The increase in strength is equal to the power of the impact, and lasts as long as you've been hit by a blow strong enough to move you more than half a foot within the last five minutes.
Second Trigger
You can now absorb heat as well as impacts.
Second Trigger
You can now absorb heat as well as impacts.
(Brute) Blood Lust
Spilled blood within 50 meters of you flies to you and forms a thin, strength granting armor. this armor increases in durability and strength the more blood absorbed, and is reduced as blood is damaged. Durability and strength is an additional base level every liter. You can banish your armor at any time but cannot retrieve it.
Second Trigger
You can shape your armor into spikes, shields, and weapons.
Second Trigger
You can shape your armor into spikes, shields, and weapons
(Brute) Deadpool
As long as even a cell of you survives, you can regenerate from it. A cut will heal almost immediately. A severed head will take a while, and will regrow from the head. You cannot use this power to create clones. If your Corona Pollenta and Corona Gemma are near-simultaneously hit by a power that heavily deals in and/or relies on portals and dimensional shenanigans, you will die.
Second Trigger
You adapt to attacks after you regenerate, similarly to Crawler, but you will always look human.
Second Trigger
You adapt to attacks after you regenerate, similarly to Crawler, but you will always look human.
(Brute) Telekinetic Barrier
You have Glory Girl's durability and strength. Any impact stronger than a bullet shot from a pistol will pop your shield, but it can take any impact without taking damage. When the shield is down, you no longer have enhanced durability, but you still have your super strength. Your shield will regenerate after one or two seconds, longer if it was a sustained impact. Your enhanced strength is enough to allow you to lift 14 tons. Due to the nature of your enhanced strength, you'll still get tired from keeping your hand raised too long, since it doesn't help counter gravity.
Second Trigger
Your forcefield is made up of many smaller individual forcefields that are about twice the size of a quarter.
Second Trigger
Your forcefield is made up of many smaller individual forcefields that are about twice the size of a quarter.
(Brute) Ablation
You can only take so much damage at a time, regardless of how much damage you should be taking. The severity of damage is also reduced to a set amount. A single attack will gouge out a teaspoon of your flesh at most. Beams are not considered a single attack.
Second Trigger
You can imbue anything you touch with your durability.
Second Trigger
You can imbue anything you touch with your durability.
(Brute) Achilles
If you are aware of an attack, it will not harm you. You can only be hurt by sneak attacks. If you're hit by an attack that's too quick for your mind to comprehend that it's there, you are not considered aware of it by your power.
Second Trigger
Damage that is negated will be reflected back at the attacker.
Second Trigger
Damage that is negated will be reflected back at the attacker.
(Brute/Breaker) Rebirth
When you die, one of this power's charges are used, bringing you back to life a month later at some safe spot. You start with one charge, regenerate one charge per month you go without dying, and have a maximum capacity of 5 charges.
Second Trigger
You can spend a charge to heal yourself from any injury and you regenerate one charge per week.
Second Trigger
You can spend a charge to heal yourself from any injury and you regenerate one charge per week.
(Brute) Rocky
You will always be as strong as necessary to exert as much force as the strongest blow that you've ever been hit with. This increases both durability and strength.
Second Trigger
You will recover from any injury short of a missing limb or organ within a day.
Second Trigger
You will recover from any injury short of a missing limb or organ within a day.
(Brute/Changer) Yeah, I Lift
You can gradually amplify your muscle fibers, eventually reaching a point where they can't be contained by your skin. You gradually gain mass and height while doing this, and after 5 minutes of changing you will be at your maximum at 20 meters of height. You will look like a giant made of muscle and have strength comparable to Alexandria. Any injuries caused by your transformation, such as your skin tearing open, are repaired as you transform back.
Second Trigger
You can now reach your maximum strength within one minute. You gain some minor regeneration, which makes it so you do not get tired and injuries to your muscles heal within minutes.
Second Trigger
You can now reach your maximum strength within one minute. You gain some minor regeneration, which makes it so you do not get tired and injuries to your muscles heal within minutes.
(Breaker) Immune Response
You are highly resistant to all forms of sickness, poison, heat, radiation, electricity, and acid. You are totally immune to all forms of sickness and radiation. You are not totally immune to a poison that nullifies powers. You would die if you were on the surface of the sun for more than a couple of minutes. A lightning bolt would still mildly sting. A Tinkertech acid might still harm if, if it's corrosive enough.
Second Trigger
You are totally immune to heat, electricity, and acid.
Second Trigger
You are totally immune to heat, electricity, and acid.
(Breaker) Gomu Gomu no Mi
You are a rubber person. Or, really, just really elastic. Blunt forces do no damage to you. You could get crushed by Behemoth or punched by Alexandria and not get damaged.
Second Trigger
You are totally immune to electricity and highly resistant to heat.
Second Trigger
You are totally immune to electricity and highly resistant to heat.
(Breaker) Lightshow
Your body explodes in a blast of light, streams of lightning, fragments of crystallized energy. These fly off in a blast covering a distance of 10 meters. You reform from the blast where you originally were after a few seconds.
Second Trigger
You can reform at any point in a radius of 10 meters.
Second Trigger
You can reform at any point in a radius of 10 meters.
(Breaker/Trump) Other Side of the Coin
You can shift into a breaker state that has an alternate power set. You have a total of 10 SP to spend on powers for this form. It can't have Breaker or Changer powers. You do not have your original powers while in this form.
Second Trigger
You now have a total of 15 SP to spend on powers.
Second Trigger
You now have a total of 15 SP to spend on powers.
(Breaker) Reconstruction
Whenever you enter a breaker state, you fully, and painlessly, heal. This also removes the effects of Masters and Strangers. You can enter a glowing breaker state where you emit blind amounts of light.
Second Trigger
The light from your breaker state acts as a healing aura. People will heal at a rate of 1 day per minute while exposed to your light.
Second Trigger
The light from your breaker state acts as a healing aura. People will heal at a rate of 1 day per minute while exposed to your light.
(Breaker) Solstice
You can enter a state where your temperature is absolute zero. Heat around you will be drawn inward, tugging on matter as it passes. This effect grows stronger the longer you stay still.
Second Trigger
Your temperature won't interact with the air unless you want it to, and can be confined to certain limbs at any time you will it.
Second Trigger
Your temperature won't interact with the air unless you want it to, and can be confined to certain limbs at any time you will it.
(Breaker) Superposition
You have the ability to perform multiple actions simultaneously, your body splitting into multiple instances to do so. You are limited to 10 actions at the same time and all of them must be locked in the same space you are occupying. You may choose whether actions causing changes to yourself are retained.
Second Trigger
Your instances no longer need to remain in the same space as each other.
Second Trigger
Your instances no longer need to remain in the same space as each other.
(Breaker/Mover) Mirror World
You can enter and exit a mirror world through mirrors, identical to the real world in every way except that there are no living beings. The mirror world reflects the state of the real world live, so cars will still move and such. Any action you perform in this world will occur in the real world as well. You can't directly harm or observe any living beings, including the Endbringers and entities.
Second Trigger
You can see living beings within the mirror world. You are still unable to harm or interact with them.
Second Trigger
You can see living beings within the mirror world. You are still unable to harm or interact with them.
(Breaker/Master) Rotom
You can possess objects. Possessing an undamaged object will heal you, and possessing a heavily damaged object will heavily injure you. Unless the object is electronic in nature, you can do nothing while possessing an object. You still have all five senses when possessing an object. If the object is electronic you can control the object. You cannot control a living being with this power.
Second Trigger
You can now possess living creatures. You cannot possess corpses.
Second Trigger
You can now possess living creatures.
(Breaker/Brute) Density
You can control how much mass you have, without changing your size. Your minimum density is just above that of air, your maximum density is just above that of Tungsten.
Second Trigger
You can selectively change the density of different parts of yourself.
Second Trigger
You can selectively change the density of different parts of yourself.
(Breaker/Mover) Null
You can fly at 15 miles per hour and can phase through matter. However, when in this state, you cannot interact with anything except light. You cannot talk, you cannot hear, you can only see and be seen. Useful, if you can lip read or need to get somewhere secure. You do not need air in this state.
Second Trigger
You are able to hear and talk while in this state.
Second Trigger
You are able to hear and talk while in this state.
(Breaker/Mover) TARDIS
You can send yourself back in time by up to 5 minutes, replacing your past self but with all your future self's injuries and possessions, but you won't be able to use the ability again until you're back to when you time traveled from.
Second Trigger
You can overcharge this power to send yourself back by up to a day but you will have double the cooldown.
Second Trigger
You can overcharge this power to send yourself back by up to a day but you will have double the cooldown.
(Breaker/Striker) 1000 Degree Knife
Your body isn't 1000 degrees... it's 10000 degrees Fahrenheit, a little over the temperature of the sun's surface. Your temperature won't interact with the air unless you want it to, and can be turned off or confined to certain limbs at any time you will it. You cannot be hurt by any heat less than 20000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Second Trigger
You can change your bodies temperature, anywhere from normal body temperature to 20000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Second Trigger
You can change your bodies temperature, anywhere from normal body temperature to 20000 degrees Fahrenheit.
(Breaker/Brute) Invulnerable
You have a charge that has a maximum capacity of fifteen minutes. It regenerates at a rate of 1 minute of use per minute of disuse, and does not regenerate when in use. Using this charge makes you totally invulnerable to all attacks, except that of Flechette.
Second Trigger
You heal by an amount equal to the damage negated while using this power.
Second Trigger
You heal by an amount equal to the damage negated while using this power.
(Breaker/Shaker) Elemental
You embody some element, whether that is Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Energy, Void, Ice, Electricity, Metal, Iron, Gold, Oxygen, Carbon, Uranium, or whatever, you embody it. Your personality shifts toward that element (Fire would be hotheaded, ice would be cold, Air would be flighty, Uranium would be unstable, etc.) You can shift into a form that has total control of that element within 30 meters of yourself, fine control within 50 meters, and rough control within 100 meters. You do not suffer from any arbitrary Pokemon style elemental weaknesses, however your body does respond to the environment around you as you chosen element would, so water would evaporate at temperatures higher than 100 degrees celcius. An Endbringer with control over your element trumps your control. A Time elemental cannot time travel.
Second Trigger
You are able to change your element once per day, but it takes 10 minutes to fully change.
Second Trigger
You are able to change your element once per day, but it takes 10 minutes to fully change.
(Breaker/Shaker/Master) Dungeon Core
You can transform into a Dungeon Core that has control over a Dungeon. A Dungeon starts as just a room with a core in it, but with resources it can expand. The Dungeon can use resources to make monsters. The Dungeon Core can turn back to a human, but the Dungeon will be left behind. You can only manage the Dungeon while you are in the Core. If the Dungeon Core is destroyed when you're in it, you're dead, otherwise you just need to start from zero.
Second Trigger
You can store your dungeon in a pocket dimension when you turn back into a human, letting you move it.
Second Trigger
You can store your dungeon in a pocket dimension when you turn back into a human, letting you move it.
(Master) Contract
If a consensual contract is agreed upon, without coercion or Master effects involved, though bribery is fine, all parties must follow through. All parties must be aware of the power. This power works on people even if they are immune to Master powers. You must be one of the involved parties, even if the contract just labels you as a witness or arbitrator. Be careful to look for loopholes. This power fails if the contract becomes impossible to fulfill.
Second Trigger
Other parties do not need to be aware of this power.
Second Trigger
Other parties do not need to be aware of this power.
(Master) Protocols
You can set yourself under a Master effect to perform any task on autopilot, if you make a mental script for it beforehand. You can set any amount of protocols for any possible task. Quality of performance depends on the thoroughness of your script.
Second Trigger
Your scripts will overwrite other Master effects, allowing you to break control if you get Mastered.
Second Trigger
Your scripts will overwrite other Master effects, allowing you to break control if you get Mastered.
(Master) Mirror Image
You can create 5 phantom copies of yourself, which will follow your mental orders. They look exactly like you but they can't affect the world around them. Phantoms will disappear 5 minutes after being created.
Second Trigger
Your phantoms can affect the world around them but they can't use your other powers.
Second Trigger
Your phantoms can affect the world around them but they can't use your other powers.
(Master/Thinker) Confetti
You have extremely fine telekinetic control over all scraps of paper smaller than a square inch within 100 meters. I suggest you get a paper shredder. You also have an unlimited capacity to multitask.
Second Trigger
You now have telekinetic control over all paper, not just small scraps.
Second Trigger
You now have telekinetic control over all paper, not just small scraps.
(Master) Love at First Sight
You can influence how one person within 50 meters feels about you. You can make them fall deeply in love with you, or hate your guts with every fiber of their being. They do not have memories to support these feelings and can realize they're being Mastered, and their reaction to this depends on their personality, the situation, and their past interactions with you.
Second Trigger
You can create a fake relationship with someone with fake memories.
Second Trigger
You can create a fake relationship with someone with fake memories.
(Master/Thinker) Rodent King
You have total control of the minds of any and all rodents within about 3 city blocks. You also have an unlimited capacity to multitask.
Second Trigger
You now have total control over any small mammal.
Second Trigger
You now have total control over any small mammal.
(Master) Spirit Animal
You can create a projection of an animal. This does not have to be a real animal, the only limitation is that it has to be smaller than an elephant. You cannot change what kind of animal your projection is. It can be anything from a flying walrus to a dragon the size of an ant.
Second Trigger
The size limit of your Spirit Animal is increased to the size of a blue whale.
Second Trigger
The size limit of your Spirit Animal is increased to the size of a blue whale.
(Master/Thinker) Poison Ivy
You have telekinetic control over all plants within 150 meters. You can do things like use vines to trap people or crush them with a tree. You cannot make plants fly. You also have an unlimited capacity to multitask.
Second Trigger
You can focus on a plant, causing it to grow in size, strength, and speed. With this, you could make a tree walk around on its roots.
Second Trigger
You can focus on a plant, causing it to grow in size, strength, and speed. With this, you could make a tree walk around on its roots.
(Master/Trump) Kage no Bunshin
You can create fragile clones of yourself. Their durability it low and their copies of your powers weaken the more clones you have. At one clone, its power will be half as strong as yours, at 100 they'll be just under a hundredth as strong as you. When one of your clones is popped, you'll receive their memories. You can create a maximum of 100 clones. Your clones do not have this power.
Second Trigger
Your clones are now significantly more durable.
Second Trigger
Your clones are now significantly more durable.
(Master/Trump) Friendbringers
You gain control of three small creatures that each have two powers that each cost at most 5 SP. They're also very durable, strong, and fast. If one of them dies they'll be replaced by a new, similar creature with different powers of about the same strength. You will not be able to choose the new creatures' powers, they'll be entirely random.
Second Trigger
Your creatures will have the Second Trigger version of powers.
Second Trigger
Your creatures will have the Second Trigger version of powers.
(Master) Pygmalion
You can animate statues of creatures, humans, or animals. Their abilities are based on the creature the statue was based on. No matter what their durability is that of the material they're formed from. A wooden statue of a Phoenix will still be weak to fire due to the material it's made of. Strength also increases with the size of the statue and how detailed it looks. A metal statue of a dragon the size of Lady Liberty could go toe to toe with any of the Endbringers.
Second Trigger
You no longer need statues to use this power. Material you animate will reshape itself into a statue of your choice.
Second Trigger
You no longer need statues to use this power. Material you animate will reshape itself into a statue of your choice.
(Master/Thinker) Technopathy
You can control any electronic device within 200 meters of yourself and become a genius when it comes to coding. You can hack into electronic devices farther than 200 meters from you as long as you're using an electronic device within 200 meters of you to do it. You have increased thought speed, able to keep up with a program running on a computer.
Second Trigger
You have unlimited multitasking as well as the ability to break any electronic device within your range with no visible cause.
Second Trigger
You have unlimited multitasking as well as the ability to break any electronic device within your range with no visible cause.
(Master) Code Geass
You can give one absolute order to every carbon based lifeforms more intelligent than a mouse you look in the eyes. They will believe they did what you ordered of their own free will, but can deduce that it wasn't. You cannot directly change a person's personality with this, just their actions. You need to be looking into their eyes when you give the order, or else it won't work. This power only works ONCE on any being you use it on.
Second Trigger
You no longer need to look someone in their eyes, they just need to be in your line of sight.
Second Trigger
You no longer need to look someone in their eyes, they just need to be in your line of sight.
(Master/Trump) Stand
You can summon a projection that has powers of its own. It has a total of 20 SP to spend on powers. It can't have Master, Tinker, Thinker, Trump, or Tier 2 powers. It will have a roughly humanoid appearance.
Second Trigger
Your projection will have the Second Trigger version of powers.
Second Trigger
Your projection will have the Second Trigger version of powers.
(Master/Thinker/Trump) Hive Mind
You can create one perfect clone of yourself each day. All your clones are part of a Hive Mind under your control, meaning you all share your consciousnesses with each other, with you being in charge of it all. Your Hive Mind has all your powers at 100% capacity EXCEPT Hive Mind itself.
Second Trigger
Clones will also recieve the Hive Mind power and be able to make clones.
Second Trigger
Clones will also recieve the Hive Mind power and be able to make clones.
(Master/Thinker) Khepri
You have absolute control of the bodies and powers of every carbon based lifeform within 10 meters of yourself, as well as an unlimited ability to multitask. This power extends through portals. You will retain your sanity. You can turn this power off at will, or let people within your range keep control of themselves while you control others. Certain people are immune to this power, such as Alexandria and Imp.
Second Trigger
You are able to control any carbon based lifeform within your line of sight.
Second Trigger
You are able to control any carbon based lifeform within your line of sight.
(Tinker) Rapid
You aren't really a Tinker. Instead, you can make things at a Parahuman speed by taking shortcuts that shouldn't be physically possible. You make things about 10 times faster on average.
Second Trigger
You can create things with fewer resources than should be possible. You use a third of resources you normally would on average.
Second Trigger
You can create things with fewer resources than should be possible. You use a third of resources you normally would on average.
(Tinker) Jack of All Trades
You're not a real Tinker, instead you know how to make anything that can be made in a mundane manner.
Second Trigger
You know how to make things from 10 years in the future.
Second Trigger
You know how to make things from 10 years in the future.
(Tinker) Repair
You can repair, maintain, and use any Tinkertech you find. You can also combine Tinkertech into something that combines the functions of the two inventions. Any Tinkertech you repair or maintain will, in the future, last longer.
Second Trigger
You are able to improve Tinkertech you repair, but you are still not able to reproduce it.
Second Trigger
You are able to improve Tinkertech you repair, but you are still not able to reproduce it.
(Tinker) Detection
You can create things that detect or find other things.
Second Trigger
You can create things that avoid detection.
Second Trigger
You can create things that avoid detection.
(Tinker) Chemistry
You are a Tinker specializing in chemistry. You can make various chemicals, such as super strong acids, bombs, knockout gas, or Tinkertech drugs. You can also make any mundane chemical with ease.
Second Trigger
You are now capable of making 'Power Steroids,' drugs that improve, modify, or otherwise affect the abilities of a Parahuman.
Second Trigger
You are now capable of making 'Power Steroids,' drugs that improve, modify, or otherwise affect the abilities of a Parahuman.
(Tinker) Swords
You can create sci-fi swords, halberds, spears, and other melee weapons. A sword made by you might be able to truly damage an Endbringer. If used by a Brute, it might even kill one... with a lucky hit.
Second Trigger
You can create sci-fi armor.
Second Trigger
You can create sci-fi armor.
(Tinker) Cybernetics
You can create cybernetic augmentations, such as a prosthetic arm that gives super strength, or eyes that have heat vision. You don't necessarily need to replace your body parts to use your creations.
Second Trigger
You specialize in augmentation, allowing you to do things like create supersoldiers through genetic engineering.
Second Trigger
You specialize in augmentation, allowing you to do things like create supersoldiers through genetic engineering.
(Tinker) Fortifications and Artillery
Your specialization is the making of anything that cannot be easily moved. If you had a couple good shots, you could probably kill an Endbringer with one of your guns.
Second Trigger
You can create heavy-duty vehicles, such as tanks, large trucks, and even mechs.
Second Trigger
You can create heavy-duty vehicles, such as tanks, large trucks, and even mechs.
(Tinker) Guns
You can create advanced guns, though nothing that can't be transported on a non-brute person. If you gave a Sniper Rifle you made enough time to charge, say about 10 minutes, you could probably damage an Endbringer's core. Unfortunately that means you'd have to charge your Sniper Rifle before the Endbringer battle and you'd only have one shot. You'd also have to know where the core was, and the Endbringer might be able to dodge it even if you aimed correctly.
Second Trigger
Guns you create no longer need to be able to be carried by a non-brute.
Second Trigger
Guns you create no longer need to be able to be carried by a non-brute.
(Tinker) Robots
You can create robots, though by default they can't have any more than a (relatively) simple AI.
Second Trigger
Your robots can make other robots.
Second Trigger
Your robots can make other robots.
(Tinker) Interdimensional
You can create technology that accesses other dimensions. You could make bullets that go through obstacles by sinking into another dimension, or goggles that let you see every dimension.
Second Trigger
You can create spatial manipulation technology.
Second Trigger
You can create spatial manipulation technology.
(Tinker) Innovation
You can draw from every Tinker technology tree, but your access is restricted at first. Your tech will initially be practically indistinguishable from mundane technology. Your access to a tree will improve with each piece of Tinkertech that draws from the relevant tree. You can only improve one tree at a time.
Second Trigger
Creating Tinkertech improves your access to every technology tree involved in the creation of the Tinkertech.
Second Trigger
Creating Tinkertech improves your access to every technology tree involved in the creation of the Tinkertech.
(Tinker) Reproduction
You can reproduce the technology of any other Tinker. You can only reproduce technology you've analyzed. Any Tinkertech you've analyzed will be easier to convert to real tech, but only mildly so.
Second Trigger
Analyzing the technology of other Tinkers will give you access to a portion of their technology tree. If you analyze enough of their technology, you will be able to do anything they can.
Second Trigger
Analyzing the technology of other Tinkers will give you access to a portion of their technology tree. If you analyze enough of their technology, you will be able to do anything they can.
(Tinker) Nuclear
You specialize in the manipulation of the nuclear forces, two of the most fundamental forces in existence. The obvious use is as a power source but also extends to tearing apart atomic structures. This power extends to systems that are powered by and rely on nuclear energies.
Second Trigger
Your specialization extends to include quantum and particle physics.
Second Trigger
Your specialization extends to include quantum and particle physics.
(Tinker) Nanobots
You can create robots as well as a headset to mentally control them. Your robots can make robots as well. There is no maximum or minimum size to your robots... well, they can't go subatomic, but that's the only real limit. You cannot program these robots without (Tinker) Code, and if you have (Tinker) Code you can overwrite the AI with your headset. You have unlimited multitasking.
Second Trigger
You can create biological robots.
Second Trigger
You can create biological robots.
(Tinker) Code
You are a genius when it comes to Code. You could make AI the would revolutionize the world... if they didn't destroy it. Be careful with this power... if only there was a benevolent AI that could help... Warning: The Dragonslayers WILL try to kill you out of fear of AI.
Second Trigger
You can code more than computers. You can code brains, and even shards. However, you need specialized equipment in order to do this.
Second Trigger
You can code more than computers. You can code brains, and even shards. However, you need specialized equipment in order to do this.
(Blaster) Boomerang
If you throw an item, you can choose to have it return back into your hands. Thrown items will slowly continue accelerating when flying back. You can always easily catch it with no harm to you. It will continue flying back and forth if you don't catch it.
Second Trigger
You can set a trajectory the item will follow.
Second Trigger
You can set a trajectory the item will follow.
(Blaster) Unlimited Ammo Works
As long as you have at least one projectile left, you will never run out. You can create phantasmal copies of your ammo that work just as well as the original, though they do dissipate 10 seconds after impact.
Second Trigger
You are able to create phantom copies of any ammunition you have used with a weapon, not just what you currently have.
Second Trigger
You are able to create phantom copies of any ammunition you have used with a weapon, not just what you currently have.
(Blaster) Epilepsy
Anyone you hit with this blast will start getting migraines and seeing flashing colors. The blast hits with the force of a strong punch and travels at twenty miles per hour. This can temporarily stop a Thinker's power from working, for maybe 10 seconds.
Second Trigger
You can give people hallucinations with this blast.
Second Trigger
You can give people hallucinations with this blast.
(Blaster) Phantom Punches
Punching and kicking empty air creates phantom limbs in the distance which will copy your movements. You can choose where they appear.
Second Trigger
You can create phantom limbs with a phantom copy of whatever you're holding.
Second Trigger
You can create phantom limbs with a phantom copy of whatever you're holding
(Blaster/Mover) Hookshot
You can shoot metal cables which can embed themselves in objects or wrap around opponents, allowing you to pull them to you or you to them.
Second Trigger
You have fine control over your cables and can use them to manipulate objects.
Second Trigger
You have fine control over your cables and can use them to manipulate objects.
(Blaster) Blaster
You can release bullets from your hand, about at the rate of a M16. The bullets are homing, going after whoever you choose as the target. The longer they home the slower the bullets go.
Second Trigger
The bullets get faster and larger the longer they chase a target.
Second Trigger
The bullets get faster and larger the longer they chase a target.
(Blaster) Magik
You can shoot elemental spells at your opponent, reminiscent of fantasy magic. While you won't get anything stronger than a fireball the size of a watermelon or a stone spike jutting from the ground from this, it is fairly versatile.
Second Trigger
You are no longer limited to elemental spells. You can do anything a typical fantasy mage could, such as inflict status effects or summon minions.
Second Trigger
You are no longer limited to elemental spells. You can do anything a typical fantasy mage could, such as inflict status effects or summon minions.
(Blaster) Lightning rod
You can make it strike lightning on someone, even if it's a sunny day. This power has a recharge of three minutes. This lightning is as strong as natural lightning, and is stronger than the lightning created by Firebending.
Second Trigger
You can shoot lightning from your fingertips and control the strength of your lightning.
Second Trigger
You can shoot lightning from your fingertips and control the strength of your lightning.
(Blaster) Firebender
You are a firebender, you can manipulate and create fire through the use of martial arts. You find learning how to firebend to be intuitive. Eventually you'll be able to bend lightning and maybe even explosions. You can also learn how to redirect lightning. You're stronger during the day, especially when it's hotter out. You can't firebend on a solar eclipse and certain comets will enhance your ability to firebend.
Second Trigger
You have mental control over fire.
Second Trigger
You have mental control over fire.
(Blaster/Trump) Worship
The more people that follow you, the stronger this power is. With no followers, this power does nothing, with one it's as strong as a bullet. To calculate the power of the blast, multiply the amount of followers you have by the power of a bullet. Assume the bullet is from some sort of handgun. Your blast is reminiscent of the blasters from Star Wars, though actually accurate.
Second Trigger
You can use your followers to empower your other powers. This reduces the strength of this power by the amount of followers used.
Second Trigger
You can use your followers to empower your other powers. This reduces the strength of this power by the amount of followers used.
(Blaster) Lighthouse
You can fire beams of light out of light sources you can see or within 20 meters. the strength of the laser is relative to the strength of the light. A typical lightbulb will fire a blast strong enough to stun a human, or kill with repeated fire. This power does not work with celestial bodies.
Second Trigger
You can control the strength of the beams, from twice as strong to doing as much damage as a laser pointer. Increasing the strength of a beam will cause the light source to burn out.
Second Trigger
You can control the strength of the beams, from twice as strong to doing as much damage as a laser pointer. Increasing the strength of a beam will cause the light source to burn out.
(Blaster/Shaker) Waterbender
You are a waterbender, you can manipulate water through the use of martial arts. You find learning how to waterbend to be intuitive. Eventually you will be able to use water to heal. You'll also be able to bloodbend or plantbend with training.
Second Trigger
You have mental control over water.
Second Trigger
You have mental control over water.
(Blaster) Bullet Hell
You can mark any person or object as your target. As long as you can see your target, beams of light will be created in a spherical radius of 10 meters from them and shoot in their general direction. You can control how destructive they are up to a maximum of each beam having the force of a grenade. The beams will dissipate if they are more than 10 meters from the target.
Second Trigger
You no longer need to see your target for the beams to automatically fire at them. It will continue until you choose a new target or cancel their mark.
Second Trigger
You no longer need to see your target for the beams to automatically fire at them. It will continue until you choose a new target or cancel their mark.
(Blaster) Solar
You can absorb and store sunlight to turn into blasts or lasers at a later time. Your maximum capacity is a blast as powerful as twenty thermonuclear missiles, but you'd likely need help to achieve that power within your lifetime. If you were teleported to the sun while having this power and Immune Response, you might gain the power to do this within the three minutes you survived being there.
Second Trigger
You can absorb any kind of light, and are able to do anything Purity could.
Second Trigger
You can absorb any kind of light, and are able to do anything Purity could.
(Blaster) Roman Candle
You can shoot blasts of multicolored sparks up to the output of a military flamethrower. You can direct these blasts in a direction you choose. The sparks disintegrate anything they touch.
Second Trigger
Sparks you fire produce more sparks as they fly.
Second Trigger
Sparks you fire produce more sparks as they fly.
(Blaster) Broken Phantasm
Any projectile you fire, no matter the mass or size, will end up exploding on impact and hitting at at least Mach 4 (The fastest sniper rifle shoots at about Mach 6). Keep in mind to adjust your aim, a catapult will not hit the same place other catapults would, what with the projectile going multiple-times over the speed of sound.
Second Trigger
Any debris from the explosion can have this power at 50% strength and you are able to change the strength of your projectiles.
Second Trigger
Any debris from the explosion can have this power at 50% strength and you are able to change the strength of your projectiles.
(Thinker) Bloodhound
You have Parahuman senses of smell, sight, and taste. You can also find someone if you have their scent, as long as they are within a mile of you.
Second Trigger
All of your senses are increased to Parahuman levels.
Second Trigger
All of your senses are increased to Parahuman levels.
(Thinker) Byakugan
You have total awareness within 30 meters of yourself. Your awareness only extends to anything that's been within 30 meters of yourself for over a hundredth of a second.
Second Trigger
You can move your field of awareness around yourself in a 1 km radius.
Second Trigger
You can move your field of awareness around yourself in a 1 km radius.
(Thinker) X-Ray Vision
You can see using comic-book x-ray vision, infrared, and in ultraviolet.
Second Trigger
You can see in the dark and have telescopic vision and can zoom in by up to 10 times.
Second Trigger
You can see in the dark and have telescopic vision and can zoom in by up to 10 times.
(Thinker) Skilled
You are as skilled in the use of any tool or machine you've touched within the last five minutes as a professional, though not quite as much as a master.
Second Trigger
You become as skilled as a master in the use of any tool or machine you've touched within the last five minutes, and as skilled as a professional for one day.
Second Trigger
You become as skilled as a master in the use of any tool or machine you've touched within the last five minutes, and as skilled as a professional for one day.
(Thinker) Retroactive Empath
You can read the history of any object that is personally/emotionally valuable to someone.
Second Trigger
You can read the history of any object, regardless of its value to someone.
Second Trigger
You can read the history of any object, regardless of its value to someone.
(Thinker) All Part of the Plan
Each day you receive 3 vision of events that will happen within 24 hours. These events are random, but significant. If something particularly important will happen, like an Endbringer attack, you will receive a vision from that event. You receive your first vision upon waking, your second an hour later, and the third an hour after that.
Second Trigger
You can choose a time of day your visions will be from.
Second Trigger
You can choose a time of day your visions will be from.
(Thinker) Quicksilver
You can process information and think at incredible speeds, allowing you to analyze and come to conclusions at an unprecedented rate. You have a nearly perfect memory and are capable of learning at an incredible rate. You can read entire pages of text with just a glance and with some training you'll even be able to cold read people on the same level as Alexandria.
Second Trigger
You percieve time faster, causing everything to appear as if it was in slow motion.
Second Trigger
You percieve time faster, causing everything to appear as if it was in slow motion.
(Thinker) Oracle of Delphi
You can tell prophecies in the form of poems that can tell the future. These futures CAN be changed. If no party who hears a prophecy tries to change it, it will happen. This power's only blindspot is your home universe, but when talking about the entity or Endbringers, it will be vaguer than usual.
Second Trigger
You can make Path to Victory style instructions. Depending on the complexity of the task, it will be vaguer than usual.
Second Trigger
You can make Path to Victory style instructions. Depending on the complexity of the task, it will be vaguer than usual.
(Thinker) Schrödinger
You can see five visions that start the moment you began the vision to five minutes later, each with a different choice you choose before starting the vision, and can choose which route you wish to take. You cannot use this power in the visions, and you have to choose one of the routes. You can end a vision early. If you encounter a blindspot you'll snap out of your visions and you'll be where you started.
Second Trigger
You can choose to not follow one of the routes three times per day, allowing you to redo your visions.
Second Trigger
You can choose to not follow one of the routes three times per day, allowing you to redo your visions.
(Thinker) Holmes
This power makes you a genius of deduction and perception. It doesn't make you any better at guessing, and you need sufficient evidence to make a conclusion. However, it is a lot less likely to be wrong than Tattletale's power, and it will remain even if your Shard runs out of juice.
Second Trigger
This power improves your overall intelligence. You are a true genius.
Second Trigger
This power improves your overall intelligence. You are a true genius.
(Thinker) Saw It Coming
You can sense possible threats to your well being from up to ten minutes in the future. You can sense only the severity of the danger and how long till it occurs.
Second Trigger: You know what the threats are.
Second Trigger: You know what the threats are.
(Thinker) Plans within Plans
You are amazing at making plans. However, the longer term and more complicated the plan you want to make, the longer it takes to make the plan. If your plan is going to take a whole century to complete, or is very complicated, it might take years for you to complete your plan. A somewhat complex plan that lasts a week will only take a couple of hours. This power does not make you OCD.
Second Trigger
You can do more than make plans. The more difficult the problem, the more intelligent you get.
Second Trigger
You can do more than make plans. The more difficult the problem, the more intelligent you get.
(Thinker) Weakspot
You know the weaknesses of anyone or anything you see. You don't necessarily know how to leverage those weaknesses, though. For example, when looking at Alexandria you'll see that she's vulnerable to drowning, but won't know how to actually drown her.
Second Trigger
You know the strengths of anyone or anything you see as well.
Second Trigger
You know the strengths of anyone or anything you see as well.
(Thinker) One or the other
You can correctly answer any question that is yes/no, true/false, or a/b and more than 100 people know the correct answer to it on the planet. You also know if the answer leans heavily in one direction or the other.
Second Trigger
Every day, you can answer three questions that aren't yes/no as long as more than 1000 people know the answer.
Second Trigger
Every day, you can answer three questions that aren't yes/no as long as more than 1000 people know the answer.
(Thinker) Glimpse
You constantly see 10 seconds into the future. You can turn this off at will, but it'll turn back on if you're going to get seriously injured within the next ten seconds.
Second Trigger
You see 5 minutes into the past. This is centered around where you are, not where you were.
Second Trigger
You see 5 minutes into the past. This is centered around where you are, not where you were.
(Thinker) Respawn
You can retrieve your memories from the future until the next point you either die or run into a blindspot.
Second Trigger
You can choose how far in the future to retrieve your memories from.
Second Trigger
You can choose how far in the future to retrieve your memories from.
(Striker) Knockout
When you touch someone, you can mark them. But touching that mark again, you can apply a number of effects on them. You can paralyze them for 15 minutes, put them to sleep, or dull their senses. The effect is amplified if the second touch is a punch or kick. This power works through thin gloves. The mark fades after 12 hours.
Second Trigger
This power works on the first touch.
Second Trigger
This power works on the first touch.
(Striker) Hardlight
You can form hard light constructions with a thought. You can have no more than 10 cubic meters of hard light at any one time. There is no limit to complexity if you can keep the blueprint memorized.
Second Trigger
You can create hard light constructs anywhere in a 10 meter radius.
Second Trigger
You can create hard light constructs anywhere in a 10 meter radius.
(Striker) Edge
You can touch any type of bladed weapon and turn its edge sharp enough to cut through almost anything. It couldn't effectively cut through an Endbringer's flesh, but it could cut through steel with only moderate effort. The durability of the weapon is also increased to be able to cut through incredibly hard materials without taking damage or losing its edge.
Second Trigger
You can turn any bladed weapon you touch sharp enough to cut through almost anything, at a level comparable to nanothorns.
Second Trigger
You can turn any bladed weapon you touch sharp enough to cut through almost anything, at a level comparable to nanothorns.
(Striker/Mover) Hotwheels
You can convert and store heat energy and later release it as kinetic energy from anywhere on your body. The release of kinetic energy won't hurt you... directly. If you release the force of a bomb from your hand, your hand will be fine, but if you hit a wall, you will be hurt by that.
Second Trigger
You can store kinetic energy and convert it to heat energy.
Second Trigger
You can store kinetic energy and convert it to heat energy.
(Shaker/Thinker/Blaster) Bag of Holding
You can teleport things into a pocket dimension with a touch. you can teleport stored things out at will. You will always know what is withing this space. You can shoot things out at any speed up to 60 mph.
Second Trigger
You can create up to 3 voids in the space 30 feet around you. These voids produce a sucking force that draws everything towards it with forces half again as strong as gravity. anything that touches a void is teleported into your pocket dimension.
Second Trigger
You can create up to 3 voids in the space 30 feet around you. These voids produce a sucking force that draws everything towards it with forces half again as strong as gravity. anything that touches a void is teleported into your pocket dimension.
(Striker) Vector Alteration
With a touch you can change the direction of anything that touches you. It remains at the speed it was going prior to you touching it, only its direction has changed.
Second Trigger
You can make it so any object that touches you over a certain velocity will suddenly lose all its velocity when it touches you. This is automatic.
Second Trigger
You can make it so any object that touches you over a certain velocity will suddenly lose all its velocity when it touches you. This is automatic.
(Striker/Trump/Thinker) Chi Blocking
You have instinctive knowledge of a person's pressure points and what they do. With this you can do all sorts of things to people, including temporarily turning off their powers.
Second Trigger
You can sense the chi of people near you and can use this to anticipate their actions.
Second Trigger
You can sense the chi of people near you and can use this to anticipate their actions.
(Striker) Tactile Telekinesis
You have telekinetic control over yourself and everything within one inch of yourself. Your control is very fine. You can make yourself go up to 120 mph with this.
Second Trigger
You now have telekinetic control over anything within two feet of yourself, three if you push it.
Second Trigger
You now have telekinetic control over anything within two feet of yourself, three if you push it.
(Striker/Master/Trump) Body-Swap
If you touch someone, you can swap bodies with them. All powers aside from this one swap. If you touch two people, you can swap them instead.
Second Trigger
You can keep your original powers after you swap bodies.
Second Trigger
You can keep your original powers after you swap bodies.
(Striker) Combo
Your melee attacks get stronger in a geometric progression the longer you attack the same target without stopping. You have to continue hitting your opponent with pauses no longer than 5 seconds between the strikes or your combo will be broken.
Second Trigger
Your combo applies to all attacks.
Second Trigger
Your combo applies to all attacks.
(Striker/Brute/Stranger) Stop! Hammer Time.
You can pull a hammer out of hammer space and hit someone hard enough to send them flying. No matter what this won't seriously harm them, though it may incapacitate them for a time. The hammer is a perfect shield, unbreakable and inviolable. The only person who can put any force onto it is you. Your reflexes are enhanced to peak-human. Flechette's power would be redirected by this.
Second Trigger
You can pull any melee weapon out of hammerspace, and you can choose how much damage it does.
Second Trigger
You can pull any melee weapon out of hammerspace, and you can choose how much damage it does.
(Striker) Death Touch
If you touch someone and you want them dead, they're dead. This only works on humans.
Second Trigger
This power works on any creature short of Endbringers.
Second Trigger
This power works on any creature short of Endbringers.
(Striker) Preaction
On touching an object, you can set a condition and an action you are capable of without powers. When that condition is met regarding the object, it reacts as though exposed to that action. For instance, you could use it on a gun and have it pull the trigger when the barrel points at a person, or make a sandwhich disappear (you "eating" it) after a certain time. The trigger cannot work off of conditions outside of physical measurements and your own knowledge.
Second Trigger
You may set Preactions with powers as well.
Second Trigger
You may set Preactions with powers as well.
(Striker) Redistribution of Pain
You can absorb damage done to living beings (including yourself) or objects, healing or repairing them, and store that damage in a battery of sorts. You can then give that damage, or a fraction of that damage, to someone or something else with a touch. This cannot bring back the dead, though it can repair their bodies.
Second Trigger
You can 'overheal' things, allowing them use their overheal to absorb damage.
Second Trigger
You can 'overheal' things, allowing them use their overheal to absorb damage.
(Striker) Reinforcement
You can make an object stronger, more durable, and better at its purpose than it was before. However, you need to be careful when doing this, doing it improperly can result in damage to the object. You can use this on yourself, though it could kill you if you do it badly.
Second Trigger
You no longer have a chance to fail at reinforcing things unless you purposefully fail.
Second Trigger
You no longer have a chance to fail at reinforcing things unless you purposefully fail.
(Striker/Shaker) Alchemy
As long as you understand the structure of something, you can transmute it into a new form, as long as you understand that too and it has the same base atoms. All transmutations must obey the three laws of thermodynamics. You cannot bring back the dead with this.
Second Trigger
You instantly understand the structure of anything you touch.
Second Trigger
You instantly understand the structure of anything you touch.
(Changer) Itsuka Kendo
You can increase the size of your individual limbs. Your strength increases with the size of your limbs so you are always able to move your limbs with the same effort. You can increase the size of your limbs up to 10 times their original size.
Second Trigger
You can shrink your limbs to a tenth of their original size.
Second Trigger
You can shrink your limbs to a tenth of their original size.
(Changer) Self-Petrification
You can transform yourself into a durable stone-like material. You can still move in this form, but you're slower and less flexible. You're stronger though.
Second Trigger
You are just as fast and flexible as normal while in your stone form.
Second Trigger
You are just as fast and flexible as normal while in your stone form.
(Changer) Wolverine
You can grow 3 bone claws from between your knuckles on each hand that are about a foot long. These claws are incredibly sharp. You can extend any number of claws at a time.
Second Trigger
Your skeleton, including your claws, is metallic and nearly indestructible.
Second Trigger
Your skeleton, including your claws, is metallic and nearly indestructible.
(Changer/Trump) Consumption
You gain attributes of anything you eat, even if it isn't food. These powers aren't as strong as most powers, but they are varied. For example, if you ate a rock your skin would become stone like and tougher or if you ate grass you would be able to sustain yourself through photosynthesis. You can only use five of these powers at a time.
Second Trigger
You can gain the attributes of anything just by touching it.
Second Trigger
You can gain the attributes of anything just by touching it.
(Changer) Golem
You can absorb items and form them into armor. You can control the overall shape of this armor and your actual body will shift to accomodate any changes. Any changes to your body are reversed once you remove the armor. It becomes difficult to move if your armor is more than five times as large as you originally were with movement becoming impossible at 10 times your original size. You can control any mechanical devices you have integrated into your armor.
Second Trigger
You can reshape items you have absorbed into your armor.
Second Trigger
You can reshape items you have absorbed into your armor.
(Changer/Stranger) Human Shapeshift
You can shapeshift into any possible human form, regardless of sex, appearance, or physique. This doesn't effect your internals, aside from muscle mass. This can transform away Case 53.
Second Trigger
You can perfectly imitate anyone you transform into.
Second Trigger
You can perfectly imitate anyone you transform into.
(Changer) Ant Man
You can shrink yourself to the size of 1 cubic centimeter. You retain your human strength while in this form. You can grow back to normal with a thought.
Second Trigger
You can grow to 50 meters tall. Your strength increases with your size.
Second Trigger
You can grow to 50 meters tall. Your strength increases with your size.
(Changer/Blaster/Brute) Bowser
You can transform into a bipedal Anklyosaurus that can breath fire. You're moderately more durable and powerful than an actual historical Anklyosaurus and can regenerate at a moderate pace.
Second Trigger
You are able to transform into any character from Mario.
Second Trigger
You are able to transform into any character from Mario.
(Changer/Striker/Blaster) Swiss Army Man
You can physically change your body into any form of weapon, other than Tinkertech. The only limitation is you cannot exceed twice the total volume of your body with the amount created. You could change your arm into an artillery piece, or you could make it into 50 smaller gun barrels, but you cannot go over twice the total volume of your arm. You can control every weapon created on your body as long as they are attached, so the 50 barrels could all point in 50 different directions and could move around as you desired. Any ammunition fired is created by the power and uses no body mass.
Second Trigger
You can change your body into any Tinkertech that you have had physical contact with or know how to build yourself. Your total volume is increased from twice to six times the volume of your body.
Second Trigger
You can change your body into any Tinkertech that you have had physical contact with or know how to build yourself. Your limit is increased from twice to six times the volume of your body.
(Changer/Striker/Trump) Amalgam
With a touch, you can fuse with any living being. This fusion has all its component's skills, powers and abilities. All minds within the fusion are combined equally, including yours, and physical traits represent a mix of everyone involved. You may fuse as many times as you want, and the fusion may decide to eject members or unfuse entirely at will.
Second Trigger
You can choose to have your personality be the dominant one, with all other components only having subtle influence.
Second Trigger
You can choose to have your personality be the dominant one, with all other components only having subtle influence.
(Changer) Daymare
You can enter a Changer state based on the fears of people around you. You can remake this form without leaving it. The greater and more primal the fear around you, the more powerful the form. Power level is based on total fear, more people will mean more fear, and thus a more powerful form.
Second Trigger
Your Changer form can be based on any of the emotions of people near you, such as awe, joy, or sadness.
Second Trigger
Your Changer state can be based on any of the emotions of people near you, such as awe, joy, or sadness.
(Changer) Slime
You can turn into a slime, a creature made of semi-solid acid that can turn into liquid with a thought. The acid is very corrosive.
Second Trigger
You can control how acidic you are and when you turn back you can turn back from any piece of slime.
Second Trigger
You can control how acidic you are and when you turn back you can turn back from any piece of slime.
(Changer/Brute) T-1000
You can convert your body into a liquid metal that you can manipulate. You can harden this into solid metal at will. While in this state, you are significantly more durable, faster, and stronger.
Second Trigger
You can finely control the color and texture of the metal.
Second Trigger
You can finely control the color and texture of the metal.
(Changer) Lycanthropy
You can transform into any real animal that ever existed on Earth. Nothing sapient or semi-sapient counts as an animal in regard to this power.
Second Trigger
You can transform into any living organism, including plants and microorganisms.
Second Trigger
You can transform into any living organism, including plants and microorganisms.
(Changer) Self-Biokinesis
You have total control over your internal biology and appearance. This can only transform away Case 53 if you mess with your Corona Pollentia and Corona Gemma so that they don't turn you back into a Case 53.
Second Trigger
You can control your biology even if it's not attached to your main body.
Second Trigger
You can control your biology even if it's not attached to your main body.
(Changer/Shaker) Forest
You can transform into a forest. You have complete control over the plants and (non-sapient) animals in the forest. You can choose the layout for the forest when you first turn into it. The forest is a square mile in size.
Second Trigger
The longer someone remains in your forest, the more animalistic they become, allowing you to control them.
Second Trigger
The longer someone remains in your forest, the more animalistic they become, allowing you to control them.
(Trump/Thinker) Power Sight
You can see what powers someone has, as well as if they're actively using it. You can see capes as Glaistig Uaine does.
Second Trigger
you can see who has the potential to trigger and the nature of the shard they would connect to.
Second Trigger
you can see who has the potential to trigger and the nature of the shard they would connect to.
(Trump) Fae Court
You can copy a 50% weaker version of any Parahuman's powerset if they're within 150 meters of you. You keep this powerset for an hour after they leave you range.
Second Trigger
You can anticipate the actions of any Parahuman within your range.
Second Trigger
You can anticipate the actions of any Parahuman within your range.
(Trump/Striker) Copycat
You receive a full-power copy of the power of any Parahuman that you touch for an hour.
Second Trigger
You don't need to touch a Parahuman, they just need to be in your line of sight.
Second Trigger
You don't need to touch a Parahuman, they just need to be in your line of sight.
(Trump/Striker) Nope!
You can turn off anyone's power with a touch. However, you can only do this with one person at a time. Useful if you need to make sure someone arrives at the Birdcage though. There is no time limit on this power. If you die this power is deactivated.
Second Trigger
You can use the powers of people who are under the effect of this power.
Second Trigger
You can use the powers of people who are under the effect of this power.
(Trump) Pact
YYou can bind a power to someone by touch. Anyone you have bound a power to can use a much weaker version of one of your powers excluding pact, enough to be rated a 1 on the PRT scale. You can make a new pact every month with no loss in power. You can sacrifice half of a power's strength to give out another pact of that power. You can also sacrifice half of a power's strength to strengthen a pact of that power that has been given by half a digit on the PRT scale, with a maximum of 5 and cannot exceed the original power's strength. Your power recovers from sacrifices after a month. You can take away the powers you have given, but you will not gain the power you have sacrificed back.
Second Trigger: The powers of your pacts grow stronger when working with you, and weaker when against you.
You can .
Second Trigger
You can use the powers of people who are under the effect of this power.
(Trump) Redirection
If you are aware of an incoming Parahuman attack, you can redirect it back at the sender of the power. If they're actively manipulating whatever you're countering, they lose control over that attack while you send it back at them.
Second Trigger
You can store an incoming Parahuman attack and release it at some point in the future.
Second Trigger
You can store an incoming Parahuman attack and release it at some point in the future.
(Trump) Exonerate
You can break the effect of any power within 50 meters. You can revert Shaker effects, undo Mastering, and banish projections. The effected target will be immune to that power for an hour afterward.
Second Trigger
You can adjust the power effect instead of just undoing it.
Second Trigger
You can adjust the power effect instead of just undoing it.
(Trump) Fluctuation
You can alter the strength of any Parahuman's powers if they come within 50 meters of you. This effect lasts fifteen minutes after they leave your range. You can weaken their power to 50% its usual strength, or enhance it to 250%. This cannot be used on yourself.
Second Trigger
You can increase the strength of a single one of your own powers that is not Fluctuation.
Second Trigger
You can increase the strength of a single one of your own powers that is not Fluctuation.
(Trump) Just the Thing
When you activate this power, you get a power designed to solve a problem of your choice. The powers are only of the same value as a 1 or 2 point power, but they're specifically designed to help with the problem you present to it. The power stays for one day and you cannot use Just The Thing again until the old power is gone.
Second Trigger
You can now disable created powers manually, regardless of cooldown. Powers will still disappear after the time period.
Second Trigger
You can now disable created powers manually, regardless of cooldown. Powers will still disappear after the time period.
(Trump) Soulmate
You can give a copy of all of your powers and power related boons to one person. You can change who this person is on a whim; the person doesn't even need to be on the same continent. The person doesn't receive this power.
Second Trigger
You can choose which of your powers to give someone. If you want, you can give each of your powers to different people.
Second Trigger
You can choose which of your powers to give someone. If you want, you can give each of your powers to different people.
(Trump) Immunity
After a power is directly used on you, you will become immune to it. This doesn't work on Thinker and Stranger powers. You can allow a power to be used on you if you consent.
Second Trigger
You are immune to any power that is used directly on you even before it is used on you.
Second Trigger
You are immune to any power that is used directly on you even before it is used on you.
(Trump/Striker) Krampus
You can now Second Trigger any Parahuman you touch. This will send them into a 24 hour long coma, and when they awaken they will not remember anything about the experience. They will likely need a week or so of R&R before they are good to go again. You cannot do this for Parahumans who have already had a Second Trigger.
Second Trigger
You can give the Parahuman you are Second Triggering any one of the following perks: Noctis Cape, Shard Sustenance, Blindspot, Enigma, Mental Barrier, or Trumped the Trump.
Second Trigger
You can give the Parahuman you are Second Triggering any one of the following perks: Noctis Cape, Shard Sustenance, Blindspot, Enigma, Mental Barrier, or Trumped the Trump.
(Trump/Tinker) Enchantment
You can enchant items with non-Tinker powers as long as you're within 100 meters of the person with the power you're using for the entire duration of when you're making the weapon. The enchantment starts at 1% of the power, and increases as you put more effort into making the item, capping at 100% at a day of work. If they leave the area you can continue with it later without losing progress. You can choose whether the weapon grants the wielder use of the power, or has a variant of the power itself.
Second Trigger
You can enchant existing objects at full power in a minute, but they run out after an hour's use.
Second Trigger
You can enchant existing objects at full power in a minute, but they run out after an hour's use.
(Trump) Fighting makes me stronger!
You get a permanent copy of any Parahuman's power if you beat them in battle, mock or real. You can only use one of these powers at a time and it takes ten minutes to switch powers.
Second Trigger
You can instantly switch between powers.
Second Trigger
You can instantly switch between powers.
(Trump/Striker) Patron
You have a library of powers you can grant to others. The library starts out empty, and you gain new powers by experiencing and observing parahumans using their powers. It takes about an hour of experience to create a new power, and the resulting power is a mixture of the powers experienced. Novel and intense experience provides more data than repetitive uninteresting experience. Powers you create cannot exceed the strength of 5 point powers. You must touch your target to grant and retrieve powers. You cannot use your own powers as components.
Second Trigger
You can use your own powers, other than Patron, as components.
Second Trigger
You can use your own powers, other than Patron, as components.
(Trump/Striker) Trade!
You can permanently swap the powers of two people you're touching. This has to be a 1:1 trade, so if you were touching Alexandria you could take her mental power and give back Captain America, as an example.
Second Trigger
You can swap powers without an equal trade with consent.
Second Trigger
You can swap powers without an equal trade with consent.
(Stranger) Mime
You can make it so you can't be smelled or heard. You're still visible.
Second Trigger
This power also applies to things you're touching.
Second Trigger
This power also applies to things you're touching.
(Stranger) Average Joe
You blend in with any nearby crowds. Unless they're already on edge, any group you join won't realize you don't belong.
Second Trigger
You will blend in even without a crowd.
Second Trigger
You will blend in even without a crowd.
(Stranger) Off Record
You can no longer appear on cameras or be recorded in any way. You leave no trace on any electronic device. You appear as an indiscernable blurred figure on photos and the like.
Second Trigger
You no longer leave any fingerprints or other real physical traces.
Second Trigger
You no longer leave any fingerprints or other real physical traces.
(Stranger) Again, Sherlock?
If you fake your death, everyone will believe it, unless it's very obviously faked.
Second Trigger
You can fake other people's deaths.
Second Trigger
You can fake other people's deaths.
(Stranger) Pocket Dimension
You can teleport into a pocket dimension at will. It is about as large as a warehouse and is furnished with all the necessities for living, such as a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. There is no way to see outside of the pocket dimension while inside.
Second Trigger
You can create a portal to your pocket dimension.
Second Trigger
You can create a portal to your pocket dimension.
(Stranger) Vocals
You can mimic any voice you've ever heard perfectly. You also have perfect pitch.
Second Trigger
You can perfectly mimic any sound.
Second Trigger
You can perfectly mimic any sound.
(Stranger) Center of Attention
Everyone will feel their attention pulled to you. It isn't absolute, but most people wouldn't notice if someone else was being mugged right next to them while this power is active. People with severe cases of ADD or ADHD are immune to this power.
Second Trigger
You can choose to not have this power apply to specific people.
Second Trigger
You can choose to not have this power apply to specific people.
(Stranger) Tech Shutdown
Most complex tech has a tendency to fail when near you, even Tinkertech. Some Tinkers can build countermeasures and Tinkers whose tech does not require complex components will be largely unaffected. You can turn this ability off at will. This effects technology within 20 meters, as well as tech being used on you from any range.
Second Trigger
Tech fails in ways beneficial to you. An ATM could spit out some cash, or a security door could lock an opponent in.
Second Trigger
Tech fails in ways beneficial to you. An ATM could spit out some cash, or a security door could lock an opponent in.
(Stranger/Striker) Forget me yes
Whoever you touch will forget everything that happened within the last 24 hours.
Second Trigger
You can choose the length of time someone forgets with a maximum of a week.
Second Trigger
You can choose the length of time someone forgets with a maximum of a week.
(Stranger) Stranger Danger
People will instinctively trust you. If you show them otherwise this power will fail.
Second Trigger
People will always give you a second chance, but only once per person.
Second Trigger
People will always give you a second chance, but only once per person.
(Stranger) Magician
You are a master of surprise. Whatever you do, people will not expect it unless you allow them to. Thinkers are immune. People will be able to track your movements. Subthinkers are not immune.
Second Trigger
People will not understand what you did until several moments afterwards unless you allow them to.
Second Trigger
People will not understand what you did until several moments afterwards unless you allow them to.
(Stranger) Invisible Woman
You can turn completely invisible. You can still be smelled, heard, and touched. You can probably also be tasted.
Second Trigger
This power also applies to things you're touching.
Second Trigger
This power also applies to things you're touching.
(Stranger) New Identity
All your records are removed from existence, and anyone not within 100 miles of you will forget you ever existed.
Second Trigger
You can choose to not have this effect apply to specific people and records.
Second Trigger
You can choose to not have this effect apply to specific people and records.
(Stranger) Unnoticable
People won't notice you unless you attack them. You could go the the bathroom on their food, and while they wouldn't eat the food, they wouldn't acknowledge your existence. They will know something is up though, since there was poop in their food.
Second Trigger
People won't notice you even if you attack them.
Second Trigger
People won't notice you even if you attack them.
(Stranger) Nice Guy
While this power is active, everyone will think that you're a nice guy. A friendly acquaintance. Even if you stab them in the guts, they wouldn't hold it against you. If you start killing or doing something worse to someone they care about more than themselves in front of them then the effect will quickly deteriorate.
Second Trigger
This power will not deteriorate no matter what you do.
Second Trigger
This power will not deteriorate no matter what you do.
(Stranger) Truth
No matter what you say, everyone will believe you, unless they have proof you're wrong shoved in their face. If you said the sky was purple, looking at the blue sky would snap them out of the effect.
Second Trigger
People will believe you for at least an hour regardless of proof they're shown that you're wrong.
Second Trigger
People will believe you for at least an hour regardless of proof they're shown that you're wrong.
Power Copy
You're copying the power of a Parahuman. Powers like Eidolon's or Glaistig Uaine's won't be here. Takes Tier 3 slots.
You can master any technique as long as you concentrate. You can only have 1 technique at a time, and you do not have an understanding of the broader skill.
Second Trigger
You can have 3 techniques at a time and can switch between techniques more easily.
Second Trigger
You can have 3 techniques at a time and can switch between techniques more easily.
Shadow Stalker
You can enter a shadow-like breaker state in which you are lightweight and capable of phasing through matter. Electricity will harm you in this state.
Second Trigger
Your body will part to avoid coming into contact with electricity while in your breaker state. This makes you practically immune to electricity.
Second Trigger
Your body will part to avoid coming into contact with electricity while in your breaker state. This makes you practically immune to electricity.
You can create strips of purple repelling energy on surfaces you can see. These strips are one directional, meaning they either accelerate or repel mass depending on which side it entered from.
Second Trigger
Your fields will remain until you dispel them, even if you stop looking at them.
Second Trigger
Your fields will remain until you dispel them, even if you stop looking at them.
You have the ability to separate molecular bonds in any non-living material to make holes or cuts by touching it.
Second Trigger
This power no longer has a Manton Limit.
Second Trigger
This power no longer has a Manton Limit.
You can see emotions and can shoot emotion blasts. The stronger the emotion you're blasting, the more force comes with it.
Second Trigger
Emotion blasts can have minor secondary effects, such as determination healing small wounds or anger increasing strength.
Second Trigger
Emotion blasts can have minor secondary effects, such as determination healing small wounds or anger increasing strength.
You are a skill thief, with the ability to absorb the practical expertise of anyone you spend time in the presence of. The skills you can absorb can be increased by things such as eye contact or physical contact, with each connection made increasing the breadth and depth of what you are able to steal, whether a specific skill or a target's general skill set. Unless you completely steal a target's skill, they will regain the skill over time.
Second Trigger
You are able to give your skills to others. Your skills grow back after giving them away.
Second Trigger
You are able to give your skills to others. Your skills grow back after giving them away.
You can control the kinetic energy of yourself and things you touch. You can absorb kinetic energy into a battery of sorts and redistribute that energy later.
Second Trigger
You can use your power on non solid objects, such as water and the air.
Second Trigger
You can use your power on non solid objects, such as water and the air.
You can telekinetically control objects you trace a rune onto.
Second Trigger
You can draw runes through sight..
Second Trigger
You can draw runes through sight..
You have an array of powers including enhanced balance and coordination, a pocket dimension you can use to deposit items and limited pyrokinesis.
Second Trigger
You can create simple phantom visual and auditory illusions.
Second Trigger
You can create simple phantom visual and auditory illusions.
You can freeze something in time with a touch. It stays frozen for 30 seconds to 10 minutes. You can freeze something with only a fraction of a second of contact.
Second Trigger
You can freeze time for everything but you, giving you time to think.
Second Trigger
You can freeze time for everything but you, giving you time to think.
You can embed your limbs into a surface to project a larger version of your limbs some distance away on a similar surface.
Second Trigger
You can fully sink into a material and project body parts through the area in a 100 meter radius as well as any similar materials to that which you submerged in in a 1 kilometer radius.
Second Trigger
You can fully sink into a material and project body parts through the area in a 100 meter radius as well as any similar materials to that which you submerged in in a 1 kilometer radius.
You can create a smoke-like darkness that erases all light and sound. It also weakens or temporarily removes some powers.
Second Trigger
You can copy the powers of Parahumans inside your darkness.
Second Trigger
You can copy the powers of Parahumans inside your darkness.
You can adapt to damage and can fly. Your adaption allows you to act as if your body was at peak capacity no matter how much damage has been done to you. You do not feel pain.
Second Trigger
You will heal from any injury within a day.
Second Trigger
You will heal from any injury within a day.
You can use precognition to follow two timelines where you makes different choices.
Second Trigger
The timeline will automatically split if you're about to be injured, allowing you to have more than 2 concurrent timelines.
Second Trigger
The timeline will automatically split if you're about to be injured, allowing you to have more than 2 concurrent timelines.
You can create ghostly duplicates of yourself and your possessions, which pass through inorganic objects, but not organic ones.
Second Trigger
You can switch places with your ghosts.
Second Trigger
You can switch places with your ghosts.
Kid Win
You are a Tinker specializing in modularity.
Second Trigger
You can create technology with multiple functions.
Second Trigger
You can create technology with multiple functions.
You can manipulate bone. You can grow and shrink your own bones but not other peoples’ bones. You cannot control bones inside of people unless you can see them.
Second Trigger
You can control anyone's bones even if you can't see them.
Second Trigger
You can control anyone's bones even if you can't see them.
You secrete a hallucinogenic fluid from your skin at all times. You are noticeably tougher, stronger, and faster than a normal human.
Second Trigger
You can stop secreting hallucinogenic fluid at will.
Second Trigger
You can stop secreting hallucinogenic fluid at will.
You can fire blades that create lines on hit surfaces and if that surface is struck it splits along the line. You have a Tinker specialization in frail prosthetic arms. You have an enhanced sense of balance that lets you stop in place at any speed or turn on a dime. You can spread mild guilt and doubt over an area.
Second Trigger
Everything within 30 meters of you will become much more frail. Nothing is exempt from this field unless you choose for it to be.
Second Trigger
Everything within 30 meters of you will become much more frail. Nothing is exempt from this field unless you choose for it to be.
You have total control of all arthropods within 3 to 5 blocks as well as infinite multitasking.
Second Trigger
You can understand bugs' senses as if they were human senses.
Second Trigger
You can understand bugs' senses as if they were human senses.
You can charge up energy, expending it to trade each second of time spent charging for several seconds worth of invulnerability, super strength, super speed and electromagnetic repulsion/attraction.
Second Trigger
You can store a charge for later use.
Second Trigger
You can store a charge for later use.
Miss Militia
You can form weapons from a semi-sentient blue-black blur of energy. These weapons have unlimited ammo and can only be mundane in origin. You also have perfect memory and don't need to sleep.
Second Trigger
You can create tools and equipment as well as weapons.
Second Trigger
You can create tools and equipment as well as weapons.
You can imbue any inorganic object you touch, from ball bearings to automobiles, with kinetic energy, causing it to go flying faster than the speed of sound.
Second Trigger
You can control how much energy you imbue objects with.
Second Trigger
You can control how much energy you imbue objects with.
You can create metal objects that extend from a solid surface around him. The metal can be iron or steel.
Second Trigger
You can create any type of metal.
Second Trigger
You can create any type of metal.
You have fine telekinetic control over materials that weigh less than a half-pound. You can infuse porous materials with your power to control larger objects. Human flesh is the best material for your power, giving you more control and strengthening the material.
Second Trigger
You can control any material with as much control as you could human flesh, and it becomes stronger.
Second Trigger
You can control any material with as much control as you could human flesh, and it becomes stronger.
Your power helps you deduce things, often times without sufficient evidence. However, without enough evidence you can get really incorrect answers. You will get headaches if you use this power too much.
Second Trigger
You will not get headaches from using your power.
Second Trigger
You will not get headaches from using your power.
You can put charges into items to give them powers. This slowly makes them more powerful. Active combat speeds up the collection of charges.
Second Trigger
You can empower your own body.
Second Trigger
You can empower your own body.
You are incredibly hard to notice when your power is active, to the point of nearly being invisible. It is still possible to detect you through cameras or smell, but it's hard to link that smell to her. This power defaults to on and you need to focus to keep it off.
Second Trigger
You can turn your power off without needing to focus on it, and you can choose to exclude people from your power's effects.
Second Trigger
You can turn your power off without needing to focus on it, and you can choose to exclude people from your power's effects.
You are a Tinker whose specialization is miniaturization and efficiency.
Second Trigger
You can distort space to fit more technology than should be possible in your creations.
Second Trigger
You can distort space to fit more technology than should be possible in your creations.
You are a Tinker whose specialization is explosives. You are able to create bombs with an incredibly wide variety of effects, not all of them lethal. You don't have complete control over what you build and sometimes don't even know what the end result will be.
Second Trigger
You have control over what you build.
Second Trigger
You have control over what you build.
Dinah Alcott
You can predict the future as percentages. Doing so too much will give you headaches.
Second Trigger
You will not get headaches from using your power.
Second Trigger
You will not get headaches from using your power.
You can control other peoples' nervous systems. At first all you can do is make them twitch, but if you're around someone long enough you can control their entire body. The farther away and more people you control the harder it is. You can use their powers.
Second Trigger
You can control people easily no matter how far you are and how many you're controlling.
Second Trigger
You can control people easily no matter how far you are and how many you're controlling.
You can turn into living fog that erodes living matter while it is inside. You can shift as much or as little of your body as you wish into a gaseous entity. You can also control your solidity.
Second Trigger
You can control how corrosive your gas is to living beings within.
Second Trigger
You can control how corrosive your gas is to living beings within.
Glory Girl
You have a force field that can block any blow no matter how powerful, but any powerful impact will bring it down for about two seconds, longer if it's a sustained hit. You can fly at almost 80 miles per hour. You have super strength, strong enough to allow you to lift about 14 tons. You have an emotional aura that makes it so those around you are either in awe or fear of you.
Second Trigger
You can detach your forcefield from yourself and reshape it.
Second Trigger
You can detach your forcefield from yourself and reshape it.
You can create a miniature sun, hundreds or thousands of degrees in temperature, that you can manipulate at will. It takes a few seconds to form a sun. The sun forms in your hands.
Second Trigger
You can create a sun instantly, but it can only be formed at the size of a golf ball at maximum.
Second Trigger
You can create a sun instantly, but it can only be formed at the size of a golf ball at maximum.
You have the ability to both know the complex emotions of those in a very large range around her, and control emotions within a smaller radius.
Second Trigger
Changes to emotion can be made permanent. If so they alter the target's baseline psyche.
Second Trigger
Changes to emotion can be made permanent. If so they alter the target's baseline pysche.
Damsel of Distress
You can create conical blasts of warped space that will destroy anything inside. You don't have full control over your power and your blasts have enough recoil to launch you backwards.
Second Trigger
You have perfect control over your blasts and can selectively choose targets your blasts ignore.
Second Trigger
You have perfect control over your blasts and can selectively choose targets your blasts ignore.
You transform into a monster whenever no one is looking at you. While in this form you are incredibly strong, fast, and nearly invincible. Any damage you have taken is healed when you transform.
Second Trigger
You can transform even when someone sees you.
Second Trigger
You can transform even when someone sees you.
You can induce suggestibility in people by looking at them. You can then implant triggers or orders, including erasing the memory of the suggestion.
Second Trigger
You can mentally give new orders to anyone who is currently under the influence of one of your orders or suggestions.
Second Trigger
You can mentally give new orders to anyone who is currently under the influence of one of your orders or suggestions.
You can access a variety of pocket dimensions to banish people, create blasts of wind, collect matter and shoot it as a bullet, fly, and clean up radiation. You can also glimpse how powers work.
Second Trigger
You can banish as much as you like without needing to retain focus.
Second Trigger
You can banish as much as you like without needing to retain focus.
You start as a low level brute but grow stronger and slowly transform into a dragon the longer you fights. You have pyrokinesis and enhanced senses that grow stronger the more you grow.
Second Trigger
You can control what shape your body changes to..
Second Trigger
You can control what shape your body changes to..
You have the ability to manipulate silicon through high-frequency sounds, giving you essentially perfect control over all glass, sand, and other siliceous compounds.
Second Trigger
You can control silicon without sound.
Second Trigger
You can control silicon without sound.
You can warp space on a continental scale but living beings interfere with this powers.
Second Trigger
You can warp time up to five times in warped space.
Second Trigger
You can warp time up to five times in warped space.
You can infuse nonliving objects with the ability to ignore select laws of physics, including the ability to go through anything. You also have an intuitive understanding of angles and trajectories as well as an enhanced sense of timing.
Second Trigger
You have Parahuman timing on the level of March.
Second Trigger
You have Parahuman timing on the level of March.
Jack Slash
You can extend the cutting edge of a bladed object, the longer the edge the farther it extends. Also gives you unconscious feelings in regard to Parahumans and influences the emotions of Parahumans.
Second Trigger
You can consciously influence the emotions of Parahumans.
Second Trigger
You can consciously influence the emotions of Parahumans.
You can superimpose objects and locations from pocket worlds onto the surrounding area. The longer you have been in an area, the greater your range. Your power is affected by your mental state, the less lucid you are, the stronger your power.
Second Trigger
Your power is no longer affected by your mental state and is at full power no matter how lucid you are.
Second Trigger
Your power is no longer affected by your mental state and is at full power no matter how lucid you are.
Number Man
You are good with numbers to a Parahuman degree. You percieve this power as elaborate mathematical notation floating in the air. You can dodge attacks, predict future actions, identify weak points, sense the surrounding area through vibrations, perfectly measure things with a glance, leverage your strength perfectly, and much more. You wouldn't have a hard time predicting and manipulating the world economy.
Second Trigger
You are so proficient with numbers that you can use them to not only predict the near future, but with enough data, you can logically set up each step needed to accomplish a goal. While you cannot do so without fail, you know what must be done for a scenario to be won.
Second Trigger
You are so proficient with numbers that you can use them to not only predict the near future, but with enough data, you can logically set up each step needed to accomplish a goal. While you cannot do so without fail, you know what must be done for a scenario to be won.
You are a powerful biotinker specializing in medical sciences.
Second Trigger
Your specialization expands to all biology, instead of just medical sciences.
Second Trigger
Your specialization expands to all biology, instead of just medical sciences.
Combo Powers
Sometimes when you have multiple powers they'll combine into something stronger.
You cannot only bend all four of the elements, but you can also Energybend. With training you can give and take away bending to others. You also learn how to bend three times as quickly as you would otherwise. If your Shard runs out of Juice you will still be able to bend. When you die you will reincarnate without memories for the rest of eternity, along with any other power that you will keep after your Shard runs out of juice. If spirits exist you can communicate with them, otherwise you can communicate with Shards using Shard speak, though only when they want to speak. You have access to Avatar State which gives you access to all your previous incarnation's memories, temporarily negating any memory removing drawbacks, but if you're killed in this state you're permanently dead.
You have absolute control and understanding of all carbon based lifeforms. You also can control biology at three times the rate you could before.
If you try hiding your positive feelings for someone, they will gain a slower version of Unlimited Potential. That is to say that as long as they continuously train to the point they strain themselves, they will continue to grow stronger without limit.
Golden Trio and their +1
You can bring three people with you when you time loop.
The End-Becomer
You can take control over any single one of the existing Endbringers, while keeping all your other powers as well as getting theirs.
Meta Knowledge
You know when you're being simulated and can either act differently in the simulation or just shut the simulation off altogether. You recall all simulated memories after the simulation ends unless the simulated version of you decides otherwise.
Your magic can get stronger with training, but the effects will always be reminiscent of fantasy magic.
Cabbage Corp
As long as you make it look like an accident, if you sabotage a business no one but the business itself will blame you.
Return By Death
This power replaces both of its requirements, replacing their effects with its own. Instead of Time-Loop, you have a true temporal time-loop ability known as Return By Death. You have no control over the save points, but you can rest assured they will always allow you to have some way of survival. Your heart will stop if you try to tell others of this ability, even if the explanation is vague or not entirely accurate, and if you manage to tell them completely then you will return to your last save point. You cannot use this power too many times consecutively without repercussions. Trying to tell others of your ability, or using it too often, will cause Parahumans, Endbringers, animals, and Entities to be anything from wary to downright hostile towards you (Though for Parahumans it only makes them a bit wary unless they have enhanced senses or animalistic instincts). If you do not have a heart, do not need it, or normally don't feel pain, you will still feel the pain as if your heart was stopping.
Soldier of the Future
You're able to use Miss Militia's power to recreate any Tinkertech weapon you've ever built, analysed, or touched, and have an instinctive awareness of how to wield it effectively. You can also improve these summons by incorporating elements and designs from other Tinkertech that you are capable of building. If you have the Second Triggered version of her power, you can use it to recreate any Tinkertech that you can move or carry, not just weapons.
You can convert any Tinkertech you analyze to a biological version of the tech.
Biomass Generation
When altering yourself with Self-Biokinesis you are not limited by the matter in your body, you can create extra matter from nothing.
The Legion of the Fae
If you've beaten a Parahuman in battle, you permanently have the 50% as powerful version of their power, even when you have a 100% as powerful power active. You can have an unlimited number of those 50% as powerful powers active.
Skittering Legions
You can control not only rodents and bugs, but any non-sapient lifeforms not resistant to Master effects.
If you repair their corpse, you can bring anyone back to life. They will not have any brain damage or memory loss.
Reality Hacker
You can create computers and programs that alter the world around them. The more powerful the effect the more powerful the computer needs to be. Your programs cannot create tinkertech..
When parahumans are around you and act in your interest their powers slowly grow stronger permanentally, when they act against your interest their powers slowly weaken permanentally.
Sliver Queen
Clones created using Echidna are part of your hive mind. They do not have your powers, but perks extend to them.
You can put charges into your statues to give them powers. Charged statues become sapient and take on a personality befitting their form. They have the same manton limits as Weld.
(Breaker) Geist
Your body defaults to a ghostly breaker state, but with a minute's effort you can return to your material form. Your ghost form will slowly reform from damage including total destruction. While in your ghost form you can switch places with one of your ghosts.
You can spend charges to slowly upgrade powers in your library.
You can assign your ghosts to people, and give them a set of orders. You can assign at most one ghost to each person. They no longer count for your limit, their range is now centered around that person, and they will carry out your orders. You can return ghosts to yourself at any time, in which case they fade away, and are able to be used again after a day
Tier 2 Powers
These powers are powerful enough to give you a fighting chance against an Endbringer, one on one. You may take no more than three, unless you have Less Limited Power.

(Mover) Door Me
You can make portals to anywhere you've seen since triggering, even if only through pictures or videos. As many as you want, and anything that passes through one keeps all its momentum.
Second Trigger
You can sense and create pocket dimensions whenever you want.
Second Trigger
You can sense and create pocket dimensions whenever you want.

(Mover/Breaker) Quicker than Thunder
You can move anywhere from normal speed to Mach 10. You have a breaker rating stopping you from taking damage from running around or hitting with more force than normal. Your perception will increase with your speed to allow you to interact with the world normally.
Second Trigger
You can disable this breaker state to damage things you interact with more easily.
Second Trigger
You can disable this breaker state to damage things you interact with more easily.

(Shaker) Inviolable
You can make forcefields with a total surface area across all forcefields of 100 square meters. Nothing can penetrate these. The edges of these forcefields are sharper than anything any Tinker has ever made, unless you intentionally smooth them out.
Second Trigger
You can make your forcefields selectively permeable, allowing certain things through if you want.
Second Trigger
You can make your forcefields selectively permeable, allowing certain things through if you want.

(Brute) Endbringer
You have the body of an Endbringer. While you still look human, your body is extremely dense and has a core. If the core is destroyed, you die. You're very durable, strong, and fast now. All your powers are slightly stronger.
Second Trigger
All of your powers are now significantly stronger.
Second Trigger
All of your powers are now significantly stronger.

(Brute) Unlimited Potential
As you train, your body adapts. While you will always look human, you no longer have a glass ceiling stopping you from becoming stronger. As long as your training is strenuous, you will always get stronger. The training has to be enough to make you sweat, and your muscles need to hurt at least a little from lactic acid build-up. If you go two days without training, you will start losing 25% of your increased power per day. Not training will not decrease your strength to below what it was naturally. Fighting will get you significantly more gains than just training.
Second Trigger
Your power does not degrade, and you are able to train anything.
Second Trigger
Your power does not degrade if you don't train.

(Brute/Mover/Thinker) Alexandria
You are incredibly strong, able to lift over a million tons, and nearly invulnerable. You can also fly at incredible speeds too fast for people to track with their eyes. You have perfect memory and an enhanced processing and learning ability.
Second Trigger
You are invulnerable. Until your power runs out of juice, you cannot die. The exception to this is if your Corona Pollenta and Corona Gemma are near-simultaneously destroyed by a power such as Sting. You are immune to knockback.
Second Trigger
You are invulnerable. Until your power runs out of juice, you cannot die. The exception to this is if your Corona Pollenta and Corona Gemma are near-simultaneously destroyed by a power such as Sting, although you regenerate nearly instantly if it doesn't kill you. You are immune to knockback.

(Breaker/Mover/Changer/Stranger) Cogito Ergo Sum
Your self-belief has power. As long as you believe yourself to be something, you will be it. This lets you instantly teleport to any location by believing you are there, heal from any wound by believing you are unscathed, or change your form by believing that it is your appearance. The only limitations are that it cannot augment your powers or mind, create items, or affect others. You cannot believe you have the powers of Eidolon and suddenly have the powers of Eidolon or believe that you are the richest person in the world to get money. This power also maintains your consciousness if you assume a form that doesn't have a mind, such as a pool of water.
Second Trigger
Your consciousness in maintained even in death, allowing you to resurrect yourself.
Second Trigger
Your consciousness in maintained even in death, allowing you to resurrect yourself.

(Master) Endbringer
You gain control of a custom Endbringer.
Second Trigger
You get your Endbringer's powers at 50% strength.
Second Trigger
You get your Endbringer's powers at 50% strength.

(Master) Manton
You can create a projection of a being that is a hole in reality, only selectively affected by physical forces and it can extend this effect to anyone and anything it's touching.
Second Trigger
You can change the form of your projection.
Second Trigger
You can change the form of your projection.

(Tinker) String Theory
You have String Theory's power. You are able to build almost anything, but everything you build has a countdown timer to activation from the moment you begin the construction process. If you fail to complete the project in time then your creation will backfire, often in a catastrophic way.
Second Trigger
Your creations no longer have a chance of catastrophically backfiring. The most they will do is quietly self-destruct, unless you purposefully design them to do otherwise.
Second Trigger
Your creations no longer have a chance of catastrophically backfiring. The most they will do is quietly self-destruct, unless you purposefully design them to do otherwise.

(Tinker) Hero
You have Hero's power. You are a highly versatile Tinker that specializes in wavelength manipulation. This power allows the mimicry of the Entities' Stilling power.
Second Trigger
You can create Tinkertech to perfectly replicate any power you analyze.
Second Trigger
You can create Tinkertech to perfectly replicate any power you analyze.

(Blaster/Mover/Breaker) Legend
You can release blasts with with a number of effects. Your beams can freeze, ignite, or disintegrate things, split into multiple beams, turn corners, and more. You can combine effects with effort. You can also fly at up to light speed by converting your body into light, but your ability to think is reduced the greater your speed. You can absorb energy while in your breaker state to heal yourself.
Second Trigger
Your breaker state does not reduce your ability to think.
Second Trigger
Your breaker state does not reduce your ability to think.

(Blaster) Parallel Displacement
You can fire lasers that replace what they hit with versions from alternate timelines. Whenever your laser hits something you can swap it with a version that could have diverged from one simple change within the past day. hitting it again allows for a change up to a month back, then a year, then a decade.
Second Trigger: You intuitively know what changes will lead to what outcomes.
Second Trigger: You intuitively know what changes will lead to what outcomes.

(Thinker) Vision
You can simulate any scenario you can come up with. Only the entity is a blindspot to this power.
Second Trigger
You can share your visions with other people.
Second Trigger
You can share your visions with other people.

(Thinker) Time-Loop
You can set yourself into a time loop whenever you want. You can set the start and end time of the loop, and if you die the loop restarts. You cannot set the start of the loop earlier than the time the loop was created. This power has no blindspots.
Second Trigger
You can perfectly repeat actions you have done in a previous run of a loop on autopilot.
Second Trigger
You can perfectly repeat actions you have done in a previous run of a loop on autopilot.

(Striker/Thinker) Biokinesis
You have the ability to manipulate the biology of any carbon-based lifeforms. You also have an increased understanding of how they work. You can only do this with organisms you are touching. You cannot alter your own biology, though you can alter the biology of the germs on your skin.
Second Trigger
You can impart a blueprint and any changes you want will continue without constant contact.
Second Trigger
You can impart a blueprint and any changes you want will continue without constant contact.

(Changer/Trump) Mythical
You can transform into mythical creatures. Your maximum size is that of New York City. incidentally, you'd need to be that size and a Dragon if you wanted to kill an Endbringer, though you'd likely destroy the city and everything nearby as well. Your growth rate is 1 inch per second.
Second Trigger
Your growth rate is much faster, at 1 foot per second.
Second Trigger
Your growth rate is much faster, at 1 foot per second.

(Changer) Endbringer
You can transform into a custom Endbringer. You cannot use your non-Endbringer powers in this form. When your Shard runs out of juice, you're stuck in whatever form you're in at the time.
Second Trigger
You can use all your powers in either form.
Second Trigger
You can use all your powers in either form.

(Trump/Master) Butcher
You have an altered version of the Butcher's power. When you die, you reincarnate into either the last person to attack you or the one that killed you (your choice). You retain all your original powers at 100%, as well as those of your most recent incarnation, but all powers of those in between are half as strong. All minds of the people who have killed you are in a mental room with you and can communicate with you. You control the room but cannot remove any of the people there, but you can put them to sleep. You control who is in charge of the body. You can access any of the memories of people in your mental room and can give them to others in the room, including yourself.
Second Trigger
You can control the people within your mental room. You also have an off switch for each of your stolen powers.
Second Trigger
You can control the people within your mental room. You also have an off switch for each of your stolen powers.

(Trump/Master/Striker) Echidna
You can create a clone of any living thing you touch. Clones you create are generally stronger than the being they were cloned from. They are often deformed depending on how long you spend creating the clone, with clones that are created too rapidly often missing body parts and clones that are created too slowly are often heavily mutated. Even the most normal looking clones are visibly distinct from the original. Clones of Parahumans possess either a stronger or modified version of the original's powers. Clones will always be aligned with your goals, regardless of the original's personality.
Second Trigger
Clones you create are no longer deformed. They are still visibly distinct from the original, but they bear a strong resemblance at minimum.
Second Trigger
Clones you create are no longer deformed. They are still visibly distinct from the original, but they bear a strong resemblance at minimum.

(Trump) Eidolon
You have Eidolon's powers without the worthy opponent issue. You can have three somewhat-random powers that you can change at any time you want. These powers can be very powerful. You can switch out quality for quantity and have five weaker powers instead of three stronger ones. All powers take a couple of minutes to build up strength, although they're still usable before reaching full strength. You can still run out of energy with this power. You're a precognitive blindspot to everyone but the entity.
Second Trigger
You can consciously direct your powers towards to ones that you want rather than ones you need, although powers you need will always take priority when you’re in danger or fighting a sufficiently strong opponent.
Second Trigger
You can consciously direct your powers towards to ones that you want rather than ones you need, although powers you need will always take priority when you’re in danger or fighting a sufficiently strong opponent.

(Trump) Anethema
You can access 50 powers at a time. These powers must follow these rules but can otherwise be any power 1. Each one on its own must be a 0-1 on the prt scale. they have to be weaker than a parahuman would reasonably be. 2. No powers that alter your powers or creating loops that add more than they put in. 3. Has to be an actual power someone might have without an arbitrary rule/downside. Long recharge times and specific activation situations are banned.
Second Trigger: The number of powers you can access increases by one every month.

(Trump/Master/Thinker/Striker) Fairy Queen
You have Glaistig Uaine's powerset. With a touch you can kill a Parahuman and steal their power. You can steal their power from their corpse. You can only have three active stolen powers at a time, and all active powers take the form of a ghostly projection that somewhat resembles their living form, if in the form of a caricature.
Second Trigger
You are able to steal powers without killing a Parahuman, and your range is now based on your sight instead of touch.
Second Trigger
You are able to steal powers without killing a Parahuman, and your range is now based on your sight instead of touch.

(Stranger/Blaster/Master) Pithing Needle
You can create and control long astral needles with precision at up to 50mph. When a needle is piercing someone you can access and harvest something from their mind. This could be a memory, skill, personality trait, or anything else that is purely mental. You can then inject what you took into yourself or someone else. You can remove and insert partial aspects, such as taking hatred toward something and putting it into someone else tied to something else. You can only interact with aspects of thinker powers that would remain even if the Parahuman's power was nullified.
Second Trigger
Your needles can access the corona of pierced parahumans. You can harvest and inject traits of powers, such as methods of control, power granted senses, and other such things.
Second Trigger
Your needles can access the corona of pierced parahumans. You can harvest and inject traits of powers, such as methods of control, power granted senses, and other such things.
Tier 1 Powers
These powers are definitely stronger than an Endbringer. They probably won't allow you to fight an entity by yourself, but they will definitely give you a much better chance. You may only choose one of these powers, unless you have Less Limited Power.

(Mover/Breaker) Time Out!
You can manipulate how fast time flows for you, in either direction, as much as you want. In other words, you can speed your perception and movement up to the point where time appears stopped, or slow it to the point where years pass in minutes, or more. You can interact with objects normally, as though they weren't frozen, or you can choose to have objects simply refuse to move. Strength is not increased despite your speed, but you can apply your normal force multiple times in a row for roughly the same effect. You are not able to rewind time with this power. If you speed up your perceptions, your aging is slowed to account for it in a way that you age as though the appropriate amount of time passed, instead of however much you experienced. If you are about to die, this power automatically stops time for you.
Second Trigger
You can alter how time flows for others to match how it flows for you.
Second Trigger
You can alter how time flows for others to match how it flows for you.

(Shaker) It Gets Worse
There are few things that can harm you. Not because you're an ultra Brute or so fast you can't get hit. No, you have impossible luck. No one harms you because they get hurt or humiliated or even killed because they tried. The harder, more seriously, and more violently they tried to hurt you, the worse the response from your power. You can still get hurt by accident or if a sufficiently durable and determined person tries hard enough. They might even live long enough to regret it.
Second Trigger
You can change the genre of your life, such as adventure, drama, comedy, etc.
Second Trigger
You can change the genre of your life, such as adventure, drama, comedy, etc.

(Brute/Master) Avalon
You regenerate near instantaneously, are far more durable than you otherwise would be, have unlimited stamina, have no limits when it comes to how strong you can become through training, are beloved by nature and its inhabitants, and your willpower is increased.
Second Trigger
You can train anything, including powers, have increased perception and intelligence as well as an aura of inspiration.
Second Trigger
You can train anything, including powers, have increased perception and intelligence as well as an aura of inspiration.

(Breaker/Shaker/Brute) And the Void Stares Back
Your whole body is a door to a pocket dimension. Your surface is a semipermeable membrane, you can choose what can pass and what can't. You can shift your shape, and using materials similar to skin, you can make yourself appear human. You can sound like whatever you want. If you let everything in, you become a very powerful vacuum. If you want you can just walk through anything. You are completely invincible from all physical attacks, including Sting.
Second Trigger
You have total control over your pocket dimension. You can create anything you can imagine, change how quickly time flows relative to the normal world, and bend space to your will. You cannot remove items you create from your pocket dimension, but you can remove things that came from the normal world.
Second Trigger
You have total control over your pocket dimension. You can create anything you can imagine, change how quickly time flows relative to the normal world, and bend space to your will. You cannot remove items you create from your pocket dimension, but you can remove things that came from the normal world.

(Master/Striker/Trump) Gestation
Every Parahuman you make physical contact with has their Shard controlled by your own. This effectively means you can add or remove restrictions to the power of those under your control, or even shut their powers down entirely! The longer this effect lasts the more the Target will find their willpower drained to become little more than a puppet to your will. You are able to control the amount of willpower that is drained from those under your control and how subtle your influence over them is. This control can be broken by having or being close to a Trigger Event or if their connection to their Shard altered drastically (Bonesaw or Panacea's work for example).
Second Trigger
Your control cannot be broken by anything short of a Parahuman dying and their Shard finding a new host. Those you affect can share powers through this "web" including you and yours besides this one.
Second Trigger
Your control cannot be broken by anything short of a Parahuman dying and their Shard finding a new host. Those you affect can share powers through this "web" including you and yours besides this one.

(Tinker) Revolution
You can access every Tinker technology tree and can build anything in them. You are able to build anything Leet could as many times as you want.
Second Trigger
You can remove black boxes from Tinkertech so that it can be analyzed completely by mundane scientists.
Second Trigger
You can remove black boxes from Tinkertech so that it can be analyzed completely by mundane scientists.

(Blaster/Striker/Thinker/Trump) Sting
You can infuse anything you can touch, any projectile you fire, or any power you manifest, with the ability to ignore select laws of physics, including the ability to pass through anything. These will not pass through your own body unless you will them to. You cannot empower yourself with this. Along with this ability, you also have an intuitive understanding of angles, trajectories, as well as an enhanced sense of timing.
Second Trigger
You can empower yourself.
Second Trigger
You can empower yourself.

(Thinker) Path to Victory
You can come up with a step-by-step plan to fulfill any goal, and can perform each step perfectly. Blindspots include Eidolon, Trigger Events, Entities, Parts of Entities, Endbringers, etc.
Second Trigger
You can set other people on paths.
Second Trigger
You can set other people on paths.

(Trump/Striker) Oberon/Titania
You can gain a permanent copy of the power of any Parahuman you touch. This works on the substance in Cauldron Vials and the Garden of Eden too, though adapted for human use. You can only have five of these powers active at a time, but rather than the Fairy Queen's ghosts, you have these powers for yourself.
Second Trigger
You have unlimited slots for copied powers.
Second Trigger
You have unlimited slots for copied powers.

(Trump) Randomizer
Every day you get to roll for 3 random powers. However, these powers are completely random, last for a random amount of time, and how powerful these abilities are is also completely random (never higher than a 9). After a power disappears, you can roll for another power. There is a 1 in 100 chance that a random power is permanent and will not disappear. This chance is not affected by luck powers. When you get a permanent power, you gain another slot to roll powers in so that you are always able to roll for 3 powers. The powers may be inconvenient to you, such as an aura that causes everyone within to have bad luck, including you.
Second Trigger
You are able to discard and reroll powers at will, as long as it isn't a permanent power. Rerolling a power will never result in a permanent power. You can disable any permanent power if you don't want to use it.
Second Trigger
You are able to discard and reroll powers at will, as long as it isn't a permanent power. Rerolling a power will never result in a permanent power. You can disable any permanent power if you don't want to use it.
(Master) Custom Endbringer Powers
Endbringers are extremely durable with an even more durable core. If their core is destroyed, they die. Endbringers are extremely strong and fast. All their powers are leagues stronger than that of most Parahumans. They can use their senses without organs.
Your Endbringer can see every possible future, with the entities as the only blind spot.
Your Endbringer can copy the power of any Parahuman you know exists or existed. Your endbringer can have the powers of 3 Parahumans copied at a time. This cannot copy the powers of people who have had their powers permanently lost.
Your Endbringer can speed or slow time by up to 10000% anywhere within a mile. They can mix and match this as you like.
Your Endbringer can alter gravity anywhere within ten miles. They can make the gravity of an area equal to that of the surface of the sun, though that might start to destroy the planet, so please don't have them do that.
Your endbringer can release mutagenic substances into the region around them. This substance has a mutating effect on life it contacts the endbringer chooses when released, the endbringer has a slight ability to direct mutated life within 10 miles of them.
Your Endbringer has control over all of the elements within three miles of them. These elements are fire, water, air, and earth, not the ones on the periodic table.
Your Endbringer can redirect any energy that comes within 10 meters of them, if they are aware of it coming. They can store this energy for later.
Your endbringer is moderately physically stronger and faster than the other endbringers.
Your endbringer can create objects in any empty space within 10 miles. These objects can be anything able to be built without powers.
Your endbringer can teleport itself or anything else from anywhere within ten miles to anywhere within ten miles, it can teleport parts of things but not parts of people.
You can choose a new form every time you summon Endbringer.
(Master) Custom Endbringer Appearance

Less than 10 cubic meters in size.

Between 10 and 50 cubic meters in size.

Over 50 cubic meters in size.

Anywhere from human to vaguely humanoid or bipedal.

Resembles a monster, maybe even one of myth.

Resembles an animal or arthropod. This can be a vague resemblance.
(Changer) Custom Endbringer Powers
Endbringers are extremely durable with an even more durable core. If their core is destroyed, they die. Endbringers are extremely strong and fast. All their powers are leagues stronger than that of most Parahumans. They can use their senses without organs.
Your Endbringer form can see every possible future, with the entities as the only blind spot.
Your Endbringer form can copy the power of any Parahuman you know exists or existed. You can have the powers of 3 Parahumans copied at a time. This cannot copy the powers of people who have had their powers permanently lost.
Your Endbringer form can speed or slow time by up to 10000% anywhere within a mile. They can mix and match this as you like.
Your Endbringer form can alter gravity anywhere within ten miles. You can make the gravity of an area equal to that of the surface of the sun, though that might start to destroy the planet, so please don't have them do that.
Your Endbringer form can release mutagenic substances into the region around them. This substance has a mutating effect on life it contacts the endbringer chooses when released. you have a slight ability to direct mutated life within 10 miles.
Your Endbringer form has control over all of the elements within three miles of them. These elements are fire, water, air, and earth, not the ones on the periodic table.
Your Endbringer form can redirect any energy that comes within 10 meters of them, if you are aware of it coming. You can store this energy for later.
Your Endbringer form is moderately stronger and faster than the other Endbringers.
Your endbringer form can create objects in any empty space within 10 miles. These objects can be anything able to be built without powers.
Your endbringer form can teleport itself or anything else from anywhere within ten miles to anywhere within ten miles, it can teleport parts of things but not parts of people.
You can choose a new form every time you change into your Endbringer form.
(Changer) Custom Endbringer Appearance

Less than 10 cubic meters in size.

Between 10 and 50 cubic meters in size.

Over 50 cubic meters in size.

Anywhere from human to vaguely humanoid or bipedal.

Resembles a monster, maybe even one of myth.

Resembles an animal or arthropod. This can be a vague resemblance.
(Universe) Oops...
Dammit! I made a mistake anchored your soul to the wrong world. Here's a dossier on the world you're being sent to. Keep in mind that the entity will still wipe out the multiverse and you still have just as much time as you would otherwise until then. With the exception of one of these, they're all other universes precogs in your world predicted. Your world has a strangely large amount of precogs that predict other universes. I think the Thinker Entity planned to use them to make sure nothing went out of hand in worlds with a lot of Parahumans or large amounts of non-Parahuman empowered people. If you chose Slaughterhouse 8 a small number of Parahumans will begin to Trigger so that this becomes possible. The members won't be the same as the Earth Bet Slaughterhouse 9, but the difficulty will be about the same. If you chose Endbringer Target then three Endbringers that aren't Behemoth, Leviathan, Simurgh, Khonsu, Tohu, or Bohu will appear in your new world, acting like the Endbringers from Earth Bet. For Reincarnation, any Civilian Identity you chose will be adapted to the setting. Depending on the setting, Case 53 might make you appear like a non-human species. Scenario: May 20th, 1982 = About 29 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: May 1st, 1988 = About 23 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: December 13th, 1992 = About 19 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: January 18th, 1993 = About 18 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: June 9th, 1996 = About 15 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: November 2nd, 1999 = About 12 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: September 15th, 2000 = About 11 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: December 30th, 2002 = About 8 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: May 9th, 2005 = About 6 years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: Summer, 2009 = About two years before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: January 3rd, 2011 = About 4 months before the start of what you call canon. Scenario: April 8th, 2011 = The start of what you call canon. Scenario: May 15th, 2011 = About one month after the start of what you call canon. Scenario: January 20th, 2012 = About 9 months the start of what you call canon. Scenario: June 20th, 2013 = The end of what you call canon, as it is now. Scenario: July 1st, 2015 = A little over 4 years after the start of what you call canon. Scenario: June 24th, 2064 = About 50 years after what you call canon. Note I: Major Threats are sometimes only major threats if you ally yourself with the eyes the precog saw the world through. Note II: Also, power copying / stealing only works on Shard-Based powers. The exception to this is Body Swap, which swaps Shard-Based and Body-Based powers. Note III: Anything related to altering or controlling causality, such as the Fates in Percy Jackson, Gae Bulge in Fate/Stay Night, or a Wish in Puella Magi Madoka Magika, can be protected against using Blindspot and Mental Barrier. Also, Disclaimer, I'm not strong enough to protect against a wish aimed at you, and this does not protect against time travel. Note IV: The maximum strength for an unpowered human in any world affects Apex and Captain America.
Earth Bet
Oh, wait, no, I did anchor you to the right place. Origin of Powers: Entities, Shards, Cauldron Vials, Corona Pollenta, Corona Gemma Major Threats: The Entity, The Endbringers, CUI, Cauldron, The Fallen, The Slaughterhouse 9, The Protectorate, etc. Major Powers: The Entity, The Endbringers, CUI, Cauldron, The Fallen, The Slaughterhouse 9, The Protectorate, etc. Super Abilities: Superpowers (Known) Endbringers: Behemoth, Leviathan, The Simurgh, Tohu, Bohu, and Khonsu Entities on Earth: The Warrior
No Transfer
I accidentally anchored your soul back in your own world... (Canon-end would be what you call right now) Other than a couple scattered precogs, there aren't really that many Parahumans. You know about your own world, so I won't bother giving you a dossier.
Origin of Powers: Brother 'Gods' and your own Soul Major Threats: Salem, Grimm, Brother Gods Major Powers: Salem, Ozpin, Maidens, Four Nations, Brother Gods Super Abilities: Aura, Dust, Magic Silver Eyed Warriors: Ruby Rose, Summer Rose (Dead), Maria Calavera (Former) Maidens: (1/2 Maiden) Cinder Fall, (1/2 Maiden) Amber, Fria, Raven Branwen, Unknown Users of non-Maiden magical powers: Salem, Ozpin, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Brother Gods Warning: Salem is about Endbringer level, including her control over the Grimm that is. The Brother Gods are somewhere between Endbringer and Entity level and too frustrated with humanity to try to protect the multiverse against the remaining entity without some pretty convincing arguments. Note: Your Aura can be unlocked and if your gender is female you can become a Maiden.
My Hero Academia
Origin of Powers: Genetic Mutation Major Threats: League of Villains Major Powers: All Might, All for One Super Abilities: Quirks (Generally weaker than Shard based powers, but much more common.) One for All: All Might and soon after, Izuku Midoriya Note: If you reincarnate you have an 80%+ chance of gaining a quirk of some kind before puberty. Also, the maximum physical capacity of unpowered humans is about that of a Brute 2. This includes you if you're not a Brute.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Origin of Powers: Lion-Turtles and Spirits Major Threats: Fire Nation, Vaatu Major Powers: Fire Nation, Earth Nation, Vaatu, Raava, Avatar Super Abilities: Bending and Communing with Spirits Avatar: Aang Note: If you reincarnate you have a 75% of being a bender, 25% of being Earth, 25% of being Water, and 25% of being Fire. Also, the maximum physical capacity of unpowered humans is about that of a Brute 1.
Avatar: Legend of Korra
Origin of Powers: Lion-Turtles and Spirits Major Threats: Vaatu, Equalists Major Powers: Fire Nation, Earth Nation, Water Nation, Liberty City, Vaatu, Raava, Avatar Super Abilities: Bending and Communing with Spirits Avatar: Korra Note: If you reincarnate you have a 75% of being a bender, 25% of being Earth, 25% of being Water, and 25 of being Fire.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Origin of Powers: Truth Major Threats: Father, the Homunculi Major Powers: Amestris, Xing, the Homunculi, the Sacrifices, Hohenheim Super Abilities: Alchemy, Alkahestry, Clap Alchemy, Philosopher Stone, Homunculi Clap Alchemy Users: Edward Elric, Izumi Curtis, Alphonse Elric (Forgotten) Human Philosopher Stones: Father, Hohenheim Homunculi: Wrath, Pride, Greed, Lust, Sloth, Envy, Gluttony Note: You can learn Alchemy and Alkahestry. Also, the maximum physical capacity of unpowered humans is about that of a Brute 2. This includes you if you're not a Brute.
Star Wars
Origin of Powers: Midichlorians Major Threats: The Sith, The Empire Major Powers: The Sith, The Rebellion, Darth Vader Super Abilities: The Force Force Using Sects: Sith, Witches, Remnants of the Jedi, etc. Note: Anakin Skywalker is a living Messiah, get him down the right path and give him the proper training, and he will be able to go toe-to-toe with the depressed entity. Note: Unless you have Not Midichlorians! you have a random amount of Midichlorians with a maximum of 15000. If you have Apex your amount of Midichlorians is 5 times higher, with a maximum of 16000. Also, you can choose between the EU or canon universe, though either way all EU and canon force feats are possible with enough training and Midichlorians. Note: You can choose what era you start in.
Familiar of Zero
Origin of Powers: Magic, Spirits Major Threats: Elves, Albionese Rebellion Major Powers: Elves, Tristain, Romania, Gallia, Germania, Albionese Rebellion, Void Mages Super Abilities: Magic Void Mages: Louise de la Valliere, King Joseph de Gallia, Pope Vittorio, and Tiffania Note: You have a 5% of being able to use magic. This is increased to 100% if you have Magik.
Akame ga Kill!
Origin of Powers: Danger Beasts / Teigu Major Threats: The Empire Major Powers: The Empire, The Rebellion, Danger Beasts Super Abilities: Teigu Note: The maximum physical capacity of unpowered humans is about that of a Brute 2. This includes you if you're not a Brute.
Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There
Origin of Powers: Magic, Gods Major Threats: None, really Major Powers: JSDF Super Abilities: Magic Note: Nothing here is that powerful seeing as the JSDF, an inexperienced not-really-military, has no issue dealing with the powers-that-be in the other world.
Origin of Powers: Aura, Psychic, Pokémon Major Threats: Legendaries, Team Rocket, Team Magma, Team Aqua, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, Team Flare, Team Skull, Team Rainbow Rocket, and Team Yell Major Powers: Pokémon Leagues, Gym Leaders, Legendaries, Team Rocket, Team Magma, Team Aqua, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, Team Flare, Team Skull, Team Rainbow Rocket, and Team Yell Super Abilities: Aura, Psychic, Pokémon Note: Pokémon entries are inaccurate. Maybe you should point that out to a Pokémon Professor. It could get someone killed, or cause someone to abuse their Pokémon because they should be able to destroy a city in a single attack, nonetheless a wild Pidgey.
Fate/Stay Night
Origin of Powers: Od and Mana Major Threats: Sorcerers, Magi, Dead Apostles, Sealing Designates, Masters, and Servants Major Powers: Sorcerers, Magi, Dead Apostles, Sealing Designates, Masters, and Servants. Super Abilities: Magecraft, Magic Note: Zelretch, after defeating Type Moon, is now about twice as strong as Eidolon was at his prime, and just as versatile. Emiya Shirou should be able to trace Tinkertech, but due to the blackboxes, they will be resisted by Gaia at about the same rate as a C-Rank Noble Phantasm. There is a one in a million chance that you will gain Magic Circuits upon reincarnating into this universe, ranging from 1 to 30 circuits unless you are reborn as the child of a Magus or Spellcaster. If you have Magik, you're guaranteed to be strong magically.
Ranma 1/2
Origin of Powers: Ki and Magic Major Threats: Nerima Wrecking Crew, Chinese Amazons, Musk Dynasty, Saffron, the Phoenix People, Happosai, Jusenkyo Major Powers: Nerima Wrecking Crew, Chinese Amazons, Musk Dynasty, Saffron, the Phoenix People, Happosai Super Abilities: Ki, Magic Note: Upon entering this world you have Ki and Magic, though not necessarily any knowledge on how to use it. Saffron is about as strong as an Endbringer with none of their finesse, putting Ranma at about Triumvirate level despite having nowhere near their raw power.
Origin of Powers: Hagoromo Otsutsuki Major Threats: Konoha, Suna, Kumo, Iwa, Kiri, Oto, Akatsuki, Root, Otsutsuki Kaguya, Madara, Zetsu Major Powers: Konoha, Suna, Kumo, Iwa, Kiri, Oto, Akatsuki, Root, Otsutsuki Kaguya, Madara, Zetsu, Naruto, Sasuke, Jinchuuriki Super Abilities: Chakra Note: Upon entering the Elemental Nations, you gain a random amount of Chakra, ranging from Genin-Sakura levels to that of a non-Jinchuuriki Uzumaki. Apex doubles the amount of physical and mental Chakra you have, while Captain America quadruples the amount of physical Chakra you have.
Harry Potter
Origin of Powers: Magic Major Threats: Death Eaters Major Powers: Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts, Death Eaters Super Abilities: Magic Note: You have an approximately 0.1% chance of having magic upon entering this world, increase to 100% with Magik.
Marvel Cinamatic Universe
Origin of Powers: Genius, Infinity Stones, Magic, Radioactive Spiders, Experimentation Major Threats: Hydra, Thanos, Loki, Hela Major Powers: Hydra, Thanos, Loki, Hela, The Avengers, Shield, Wakanda, Asgard Super Abilities: Varied Note: Everyone has the potential for magic in this universe. Also, the Infinity Stones could defeat the entity with a single snap, but letting you in also let the Shards connect to the universe. Start Time: February 1st, 2008
One Piece
Origin of Powers: Willpower, Devil Fruit Major Threats: The World Government, the Navy, the Celestial Dragons, the 7 Warlords, the Four Emperors, and the 11 Supernovas Major Powers: The World Government, the Navy, the Celestial Dragons, the 7 Warlords, the Four Emperors, and the 11 Supernovas Super Abilities: Note: You will have the ability to use Haki through the exertion of willpower upon entering the One Piece universe. Also, the strongest people in the One Piece world are somewhere from Triumvirate level to low-Endbringer level.
Fallout New Vegas
Origin of Powers: Radiation, FEV Major Threats: Caesar's Legion, New California Republic, Mr. House, Mutants, Radiation, The Vegas Families, Powder Gangers, Fiends Major Powers: Caesar's Legion, New California Republic, Mr.House, The Vegas Families, The Followers of the Apocalypse Note: Upon entering the world you have a small chance to become a psyker, this power is not reliant on your Shard and will not disappear when it runs out of energy. Be careful of stray radiation as without a brute power you can die within minutes of exposure at some locations.
Practical Guide to Evil
Origin of Powers: Names, Magic Major Threats: Hero's, Villains, The Bard, The Dead King, The Kingdom Under, The Dread Empire, Elves, Demons, Devils, Angels, The Fae, The Gods above, The Gods Below Major Powers: Hero's, Villains, The Bard, The Dead King, The Kingdom Under, The Dread Empire, League of Free Cities, The Fae Courts Note: Upon entering this world you will automatically be given the Name: "Parahuman" whose alignment is decided by your own. Your aspects will relate to your powers in some way and your Shard will not "lose" power as long as you're within this world.
Origin of Powers: Metagene Major Threats: Apocalypse, Galactus, Dark Phoenix Major Powers: The X-men, Magneto, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Hellfire Club, Purifiers Super Abilities: Varied Note: Mutants are hated by most of the population of the world, and your Shard based powers will make you seem like one. Your chance of becoming a mutant is roughly 0.01%
Mass Effect
Origin of Powers: Element Zero Major Threats: Reapers, Cerberus, The Alliance, Specters, Slavers, Mercenary's, Geth, Pirates, Hostile Aliens Major Powers: Reapers, Cerberus, The Alliance, Mercenaries Note: If you enter the world through reincarnation you become a Biotic of average strength, which can be trained and improved through implants. If you choose Case 53 and you're attractive you can become an Asari. All Asari are Biotics. You can become a Biotic through exposure to Element Zero.
A Song of Ice and Fire
Origin of Powers: Magic Major Threats: Whitewalkers, Civil War, Nobility, Mages, Fire Priests, Dragons, Faceless Men Major Powers: Whitewalkers, Free Cities, Westeros Nobility Note: The Whitewalkers can also raise the empowered corpses of those created by the second wave Parahuman Drawback and can even trigger themselves. Any Gods or Supernatural beings will start with an aversion to Shards, this can be worked through but keep it in mind.
Origin of Powers: Magic, Souls Major Threats: Thalmor, Stormcloaks, Empire, Dark Brotherhood, Mages Guild, Aedric Gods, Daedric Princes, Dragonborn, Miraak, Dragons, Monsters, Werebeasts, Vampires, Bandits Major Powers: Thalmor, Stormcloaks, Empire, Greybeards Note: Upon Entering the world you gain the Average amount of mana for a person within the Elder Scrolls Universe. This can be trained to increase both in amount and potency. Note: You can choose what era you start in.
Puella Magi Madoka Magika
Origin of Powers: Incubators, Wishes, Human Emotions Major Threats: Kyubey, Walpurgisnacht Major Powers: Kyubey, Walpurgisnacht, Homura Akemi Note: If you're a female, or in a female form, you have the potential to get a wish granted by Kyubey. Your wish not powerful enough to defeat and Endbringer or Scion. No matter your form you can see Witches, Familiars, and other supernatural phenomena with no difficulty.
Fairy Tail
Origin of Powers: Magic, Dragons, Gods, Devils Major Threats: Zeref, Dark Guilds, Zeref's Cults, Acnologia, Balam Alliance, Oracion Seis, Tartaros, Eisenwald, Death's Head Caucus, Edolas, Alvares Empire Major Powers: Zeref, Dark Guilds, Zeref's Cults, Acnologia, Balam Alliance, Oracion Seis, Tartaros, Eisenwald, Death's Head Caucus, Edolas, Alvarez Empire, Guilds, Fiore, Magic Council, Wizard Saints Note: You have a 10% of having access to Fairy Tail style magic, and a 100% if you have Magik.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Origin of Powers: Myths, Gods, Titans, Monsters, Magic Major Threats: Egyptian Magicians, Demigods, Gods, Titans, Monsters, Giants, Primordials Major Powers: Egyptian Magicians, Demigods, Gods, Titans, Monsters, Giants, Primordials Note: You have a 100% of being clear-sighted. If you reincarnate, you have a 30% chance of being reborn a demigod to a random god or free Titan (Like Hecate). Reincarnate or not, you have a 50% of having some random amount of potential as a magic-user, 100% of having magical-potential, and it being a lot of potential, if you have Magik. Demigod or not, unless you're Shardless, you, and any other powered-person, can interact with the mythical world.
Origin of Powers: Magic, Spirits, Authorities of Sin, Divine Protections Major Threats: The Witch-Cult, The Witch Apostles, Witch of Envy: Satella, Demon Beasts Major Powers: The Witch-Cult, Witch of Envy: Satella, Demon Beasts, Dragon Kingdom of Lugnicia, King Candidates' Factions Note: You have magic of a random attribute and strength. If you have Magik, you're guaranteed to be strong magically. You also might get Divine Protections.
Origin of Powers: Magic, Spirits, Gods Major Threats: The Dungeon, the Monsters, and the Black Dragon Major Powers: The Guild, The Gods in Heaven, the Loki Familia, the Freya Familia, the Hephaestus Familia, Hermes Familia, Ishtar Familia, Evilus Note: Your powers as well as some perks and drawbacks will appear on your Falna (if you receive one) along with a description of each power/perk/drawback. Receiving a Falna makes all your powers your own, so as long as you have a Falna you never have to worry about losing your powers. If you lose your Falna somehow, you lose all your powers and any perk/drawback that was listed on your Falna, and will regain them after regaining a Falna. The Deities of DanMachi could be a significant help against the Entity, if you can convince them to help.
Legend of Zelda
Origin of Powers: Magic, the Gods Major Threats: Ganon, Ganon's forces, Demise's other incarnations, Majora's Mask Major Powers: The Goddesses, Demise, and the rest depends on the era, but usually Hyrule, and others include the Gerudo, the Zora, the Rito, the Goron, the Koroks, the Kokiri, the Fairies, Lorule, etc. Note: You can choose what era you start in.
Origin of Powers: Magic, SOUL, LV/LOVE, EXP, DETERMINATION, JUSTICE, PERSEVERANCE, PATIENCE, BRAVERY, INTEGRITY, and KINDNESS. Major Threats: Flowey, Genocide Frisk & Chara Major Powers: Humanity, The Kingdom of Monsters. Within The Kingdom of Monsters, the major powers are Asgore the king, Undyne the captain of the Royal Guard, Alphys the royal scientist, Toriel (the former Queen), Sans, Papyrus, Flowey, and Frisk. Note: Unless you're on Death Mode (Extremely Hard mode if you, by default, are a very determined person) Frisk's DETERMINATION will outstrip yours (Sub-Note: Demiservant Frisk or Chara will also work instead). Frisk's Power affects any universe he's ever been in, and is powerful enough to affect Scion or Eden, though they may remember by accessing the memory of their Shards or using precognition powers. However, if you're within the same universe as Frisk, if you're perceptive enough or have a strong enough DETERMINATION, you will be able to notice it occurring, and if your perception/DETERMINATION is powerful enough, you may even be able to remember it. Frisk, Genocide or Pacifist, will be a powerful ally.
Other World
This is some other world not listed here.
Original World
Fill out a CYOA that allows you to create a world, and remove any personal powers/perks/drawbacks given by the CYOA. This is that world.
Earth Bet Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Brockton Bay
Brockton Bay is where Wildbow's predictions began, where Taylor Hebert will start her Caped crusades. It also has a lot of powerful Parahumans, is home to the Protectorate ENE, and is a likely target for an Endbringer attack.
Not all of the story took place in Brockton Bay. Some of it took place in Boston. Boston has some powerful players like Accord and the Teeth.
Taylor eventually joined the Chicago Wards after things went downhill in Brockton Bay. Most of Wildbow's Pre-Gold Morning predictions took place while Taylor was a member of the Chicago Wards. The Chicago Protectorate is run by Myrddin, a powerful and versatile Parahuman.
Leviathan attacked Newfoundland in the early 2000s. It's found at the east coast of Canada.
You find yourself on Kyushu, where Leviathan attacked Japan on the November of 1999. I wouldn't suggest going there any later that that, it's completely flooded.
Earth Aleph
You find yourself somewhere on Earth Aleph. Earth Aleph is an Earth in an alternate reality. There are fewer Parahumans and they are generally weaker compared to the Parahumans of Earth Bet. It is relatively similar to your own world.
Earth Shin
You find yourself somewhere on Earth Shin. Earth Shin is an Earth in an alternate reality. There are fewer Parahumans and they are ruled by the Parahuman tyrant known as Goddess. It is relatively similar to your own world, but there is a natural bridge between Europe and the Americas. There are no heroes on this world.
Earth Gimel
You find yourself somewhere on Earth Gimel. Earth Gimel is an Earth in an alternate reality. Humans once existed on this world but died out over 5000 years ago.
Cauldron Compound
You find yourself somewhere in Cauldron's compound. Cauldron's compound is a massive continent spanning structure.
You find yourself in a small town in North America being attacked by the Slaughterhouse 9, an S-Class group of mass murderers and psychopaths. They are in the process of massacring the town when you arrive.
Baumann Parahuman Containment Center
You find yourself inside the Birdcage. The Birdcage is an inescapable prison meant to contain Parahumans that are threats to society. It is overseen by Dragon.
Parahuman Asylum
You find yourself in the Parahuman Asylum. This facility cares for and contains the Parahumans who’s powers or circumstances have rendered them in need of care.
The Firmament
You find yourself somewhere in the Firmament. This world serves as the physical connection for the Shards that grant powers and the home of their avatars. This world cannot be travelled to through normal interdimensional travel. This dimension is out of range for normal Shards.
Radioactive Wasteland
You find yourself at a location that Behemoth made uninhabitable during one of his attacks prior to your arrival.
Simurgh Containment Zone
Choose any location that has been quarantined due to a Simurgh attack prior to April, 2011, you'll find yourself there.
Containment Camp
You find yourself at a containment camp you fit the criteria for. Whether this is a Gesellschaft (Neo-Nazi) Containment Camp or a CUI Containment Camp for brainwashing Parahumans into being loyal Chinese pawns is up to you.
If for some reason the other choices are undesirable, you can choose to find yourself at a place of your choice.
RWBY Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear in the Grimmlands, possibly even in Salem's castle. If you specifically want to appear in Salem's castle, you can, but even if you don't want to, there is a chance you will.
City of Vale
You start in the city of Vale, which is the capital of the Kingdom of Vale. The majority of the first three Volumes of RWBY took place here. Beacon is located here, as well as the Relic of Choice. You cannot appear at Beacon Academy.
Beacon Academy
You appear in Beacon Academy, the Hunstman Academy of the Kingdom of Vale. It is also the location of the vault containing the Relic of Choice.
Kingdom of Vale
You appear somewhere in the Kingdom of Vale. Choose any location in Vale which is not the city of Vale.
City of Vacuo
You appear in the city of Vacuo, which is the capital of the Kingdom of Vacuo. Shade Academy is located here, as well as the Relic of Destruction. You cannot appear at Shade Academy.
Shade Academy
You appear in Shade Academy, the Hunstman Academy of the Kingdom of Vacuo. It is also the location of the vault containing the Relic of Destruction.
Kingdom of Vacuo
You appear somewhere in the Kingdom of Vacuo. Choose any location in Vacuo which is not the city of Vacuo.
City of Mistral
You appear in the city of Mistral, which is the capital of the Kingdom of Mistral. Haven Academy is located here, as well as the Relic of Knowledge. You cannot appear at Haven Academy.
Haven Academy
You appear in Haven Academy, the Hunstman Academy of the Kingdom of Mistral. The headmaster of Haven is a traitor to humanity. It is also the location of the vault containing the Relic of Knowledge.
Kingdom of Mistral
You appear somewhere in the Kingdom of Mistral. Choose any location in Mistral which is not the city of Mistral.
Flying City of Atlas
You appear in the flying city of Atlas, which is the capital of the Kingdom of Atlas. Atlas Academy is located here, as well as the Relic of Creation. You cannot appear at Atlas Academy.
Atlas Academy
You appear in Atlas Academy, the Hunstman Academy of the Kingdom of Atlas. It is also the location of the vault containing the Relic of Creation. It has a more militant style compared to the other academies.
Kingdom of Atlas
You appear somewhere in the kingdom of Atlas. Choose any location in Atlas which is not the city of Atlas.
You appear somewhere on the island of Menagerie, an island primarily inhabited by Faunus.
My Hero Academia Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Shiketsu High School
You appear in Shiketsu High School, one of the best Hero schools in Japan. It is considered equal to UA High School in terms of prestige.
UA High School
You appear in UA High School, the best Hero school in Japan. All Might planned to begin teaching there in a search for a successor before he met Midoriya Izuku. It is one of the main locations in which the story takes place.
Unforeseen Simulation Joint
You appear in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ, a training facility at UA High School used to train students for disaster rescue. It was invaded by the League of Villains in an attempt to kill All Might.
Hosu City
You appear in Hosu City, a ward in Tokyo. Hosu is notable as the location where the Hero Killer: Stain was defeated. It was also attacked by the League of Villains using a trio of Nomu.
You appear on I-Island, an artificial moving island for scientists and researchers to work together peacefully.
League of Villains Bar
You appear in the abandoned bar used by the League of Villains as a hideout. If you appear after the bar has been raided by Pro Heroes, you will instead appear in whatever location the League of Villains is using as a hideout.
Shie Hassaikai Compound
You appear in the base of the Shie Hassaikai, a sprawling underground complex used by a dangerous Yakuza group led by Overhaul.
You appear in Tartarus, a prison meant to contain extremely dangerous Villains under the highest security possible.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Northern Air Temple and Moon.
Southern Water Tribe
You appear in the Southern Water Tribe. This group of tribes living on the south pole have been ravaged by war. The Avatar was found trapped in an iceberg here after 100 years.
Northern Water Tribe
You appear in the Northern Water Tribe. This polar nation is ruled by a hereditary chiefdom. The tribe has avoided the effects of the war for now.
Southern Air Temple
You appear in the Southern Air Temple. This abandoned temple-city was once home to a community of monks.
Northern Air Temple
You appear in the Northern Air Temple. This once abandoned temple-city has become inhabited by refugees of the war. They are led by an ingenious inventor.
You appear in the city-state of Omashu. Ruled by King Bumi, this city manufactures weapons for the war.
Ba Sing Se
You appear in the walled city of Ba Sing Se. This city is the capitol of the Earth Kingdom. Led in name only by the Earth King, the secret police called the Dai Li control the city through force and secrets.
Foggy Swamp
You appear in the Foggy Swamp. This massive banyan grove has a great spiritual connection.
Si Wong Desert
You appear in the Si Wong Desert. This massive desert is home at least one oasis and an ancient library.
Great Divide
You appear in the Great Divide. This massive canyon is home to large monsters called canyon crawlers.
Fire Nation Colonies
You appear in the Fire Nation Colonies. This region was once part of the Earth Kingdom, now occupied by the Fire Nation.
Fire Nation
You appear in the Fire Nation. This monarchy has been at war with the rest of the world for the past 100 years.
Spirit World
You appear in the Spirit World. Good luck escaping.
Avatar: Legend of Korra Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Republic City
You appear in Republic City. This nation is a nexus of technological and cultural change in the world.
Northern Water Tribe
You appear in the Northern Water Tribe. This polar nation is ruled by a hereditary chiefdom. Tensions between the sister Water Tribes are currently high.
Southern Water Tribe
You appear in the Southern Water Tribe. This nation of tribes has seen a surge of economic development. Tensions between the sister Water Tribes are currently high.
Air Temple
You appear in on Air Temple Island or in one of the inhabited air temples. These temples are dedicated to the preservation and reconstruction of the Air Nation.
Ba Sing Se
You appear in Ba Sing Se. This monarchy is ruled by the earth queen and her earthbending Dai Li. The government is oppressive.
You appear in Zaofu. This young city is home to the metalbending clan. It is led by the Be Fong family.
Foggy Swamp
You appear in the Foggy Swamp. This massive banyan grove has a great spiritual connection.
Fire Nation
You appear in the Fire Nation. This monarchy had once been at war with the rest of the world for 100 years. After the war, it contributed to the rebuilding of the world.
Red Lotus Prison
You appear in one of the prisons holding the Red Lotus members. These prisons were each built to hold a powerful bender that together tried to kidnap the Avatar.
Spirit World
You appear in the Spirit World. Good luck escaping.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear in Resembool, a small, rural town in Amestris. It is the hometown of the Elric brothers and Winry Rockbell.
Central City
You appear in Central City, the capital and seat of the government of Amestris. It is also the location of the Homunculi's home base. Most of the story of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood takes place here.
You appear in Liore, a city with a theocratic government ruled by Father Cornello. Father Cornello maintained power by presenting himself as a miracle worker, using alchemy powered by a small Philosopher's Stone to accomplish his 'miracles'.
You appear somewhere in the ruins of Xerxes, an ancient nation whose entire population was used to create two human Philosopher's Stones by the Homunculus who would go on to be known as Father.
You appear somewhere in Ishval, a desolate region of Amestris once inhaibited by the Ishvalans, an ethno-religious group who are notable for their rejection of Alchemy. Most of the population was exterminated to bring an end to a civil war.
East City
You appear in East City, a town in eastern Amestris that serves as the military command base for the area. Roy Mustang and his subordinates are stationed here.
You appear in Dublith, a town in southern Amestris. It is the home of Izumi Curtis, a user of Clap Alchemy. It is also the location of the Devil's Nest bar, which serves as the base of operations for the Homunculus, Greed.
Fort Briggs
You appear in Fort Briggs, an Amestrian military installation on the border of the nation of Drachma.
Table City
You appear in Table City, a town on the border between Amestris and Creta. The entire town was designed to function as a Tranmutation Circle that would create a Philosopher's Stone.
You appear before Truth. He will take something from you. I suggest you prepare something to trade ahead of time. If you can regrow your limbs, Truth is not going to think of them as valuable, but if you can create substitutes, like prosthetics, that's fine.
Star Wars Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear somewhere on the planet Alderaan, a Core world. Better get running before it blows.
You appear somewhere in the Corellia system, a Core world. A major shipbuilding planet whose products are seen across the galaxy.
You appear somewhere on the planet Duro, a Core world. Known as the homeworld of the Duros species, one of the earliest hyperspace faring species in the galaxy.
You appear somewhere on the planet Coruscant, a Core world. Renamed to "Imperial Center" when the Empire rose, is the Capital of the Galactic Empire.
You appear somewhere on the planet Kuat, a Core world. The system where shipdocks produce Star Destroyers.
You appear somewhere on the planet Arkania, a Colony Region world. Homeworld of the Arkanians, superior genetically modified humans.
You appear somewhere on the planet Balmorra, a Colony Region world. A major Imperial manufacturer world that produces many of the Imperial weapons and vehicles.
Cato Neimodia
You appear somewhere on the planet Cato Neimodia, a Colony Region world. Known as a 'Neimodian purse-world' that was badly damaged and sanctioned after the Clone Wars.
You appear somewhere on the planet Mrlsst, a Colony Region world. Known for prestigious universities and research centers supported by the Empire.
You appear somewhere on the planet Bestine, an Inner Rim world. Known as a hotbed of Rebel activity after the Empire forcibly relocated colonies to make new shipyards.
You appear somewhere on the planet Denon, an Inner Rim world. A sort of miniature Coruscant in that it is a city world, has heavy Imperial leanings closer to that of a Core world.
You appear somewhere on the planet Manaan, an Inner Rim world. The water covered world of the Selkath species, in modern times considered a popular resort world.
You appear somewhere on the planet Ando, a Mid Rim world. Home of the Aqualish species, the Empire maintains a police state on it after their participation as a Separatist world.
You appear somewhere on the planet Bothawui, a Mid Rim world. Homeworld of the Bothans, is a major spy network that is ostensibly neutral in the Galactic Civil War.
You appear somewhere in the system Ithor, a Mid Rim system. The home system of the Ithorians, they primarily live on "herdships" to minimize their impacts on their planet's surface.
You appear somewhere on the planet Kashyyyk, a Mid Rim world. The homeworld of the Wookies, the Empire currently enslaves and subjugates the world's inhabitants.
You appear somewhere on the planet Naboo, a Mid Rim world. Known for being the homeworld of Emperor Palpatine and other important figures in the Clone Wars, and holds a significant Imperial presence.
You appear somewhere on the planet Bespin, an Outer Rim world. A gas giant that is mined for Tibanna gas, and where Cloud City is located.
You appear somewhere on the planet Dantooine, an Outer Rim world. Once an ancient Jedi training ground, more recently was a Rebel base until the Empire discovered it.
You appear somewhere on the forested moon of Endor, an Outer Rim world. A galactic unknown, the moon of Endor is a primitive forest world home to the Ewoks. Good luck getting spaceborne from here.
You appear somewhere on the planet Felucia, an Outer Rim world. A wild untamed world full of dangerous flora and fauna, the Imperial research outposts are your only hope for escape.
You appear somewhere on the planet Geonosis, an Outer Rim world. The homeworld of the nearly extinct Geonosians, a desert planet heavily occupied by the Imperials.
You appear somewhere on the planet Hoth, an Outer Rim world. A frozen inhospitable world that occassionally sees visits from pirates, criminals, and rebels.
Mon Cala
You appear somewhere on the planet Mon Cala, an Outer Rim world. Homeworld of the Mon Calamari as well as the Quarrens, one of the few openly rebellious worlds in the galaxy.
You appear somewhere on the planet Mandalore, an Outer Rim world. Homeworld of the Mandalorians, currently suffers from a cultural revolution on whether or not to support the Empire.
You appear somewhere on the planet Ryloth, an Outer Rim world. The desert homeworld of the Twilek species, the Empire occupies the planet.
You appear somewhere on the planet Tatooine, an Outer Rim world. Homeworld of the Jawas and Tusken Raiders, as well as a number of important figures.
Yavin IV
You appear somewhere on the planet Yavin IV, an Outer Rim world. Home of one of the largest rebel bases.
You appear somewhere on the planet Kamino, an extragalactic world. Homeworld of the Kaminoans as well as the Republic's clone army, heavily occupied by the Empire.
You appear somewhere on the planet Illum, an Unknown Region world. Hidden within the planet's mountains are Kyber crystals, the crystals used in lightsabers, that are being mined by a highly secure Imperial presence.
The Wheel
You appear somewhere on the space station known as The Wheel. A massive circular space station containing casinos and gladiatorial rings, that enjoys a special kind of immunity from Imperial influence.
A Disturbance in the Force
You appear within a mile of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. You can appear inside the Temple if you want instead.
Familiar of Zero Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Tristain Academy of Magic
Akame ga Kill! Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
The Capital
You appear in the Capital of the Empire.
Night Raid's Hideout
You appear in Night Raid's Hideout.
You appear in one of the villages in Akame Ga Kill!
Danger Beast Nest
You appear in a Danger Beast's Nest.
Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Pokémon Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
The main location where Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow take place.
The main location where Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal take place.
The main location where Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald take place.
The main location where Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum take place.
The main location where Pokémon Black and White take place.
The main location where Pokémon X and Y take place.
The main location where Pokémon Sun and Moon take place.
The main location where Pokémon Sword and Shield take place.
The main location where Pokémon Colosseum and XD take place.
The main location where Pokémon Ranger takes place.
The main location where Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia takes place.
The main location where Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs takes place.
The main location where Pokémon Conquest took place.
The main location where Pokémon Masters takes place.
The main location where New Pokémon Snap takes place.
Orange Islands
The main location where the Orange Islands arc in the Pokémon anime occurs.
Kill the human!
You appear in some other dimension within the Pokémon universe, such as the Distortion World, Ultra Space, etc.
Fate/Stay Night Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Ranma 1/2 Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Naruto Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear within Iwagakure, the Hidden Stone Village.
You appear within Kirigakure, the Hidden Mist Village.
You appear within Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village.
You appear within Kumogakure, the Hidden Cloud Village.
You appear within Sunagakure, the Hidden Sand Village.
You appear within Amegakure, the Hidden Rain Village.
You appear within Otogakure, the Hidden Sound Village.
Madara's Cave
You appear in Madara's cave.
You appear in one of the creature summoning domains, such as Mount Myoboku or Ryuchi Cave.
Samurai Time
You appear within the Land of Iron, the country of Samurai.
Harry Potter Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear upon the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the primary school of magic for Britain.
You appear upon the grounds of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, the school for magic located in France but noted to take students from assorted areas of Europe.
You appear upon the grounds of Drumstrang Institute for Magical Learning, the school for magic located in Northern Scandinavia. They take students from Russia and Eastern Europe.
You appear upon the grounds of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the primary school for magic in North America. Located in Massachusetts USA.
You appear upon the grounds of Castelobruxo, the primary school of magic for those within South America. Located in Brazil.
Diagon Alley
You appear in Diagon Alley.
You appear in the village of Hogsmeade, the only "Wizards only" settlement of Great Britain.
You appear within the confines of Azkaban, good luck since the Dementors will assume you belong there.
Marvel Cinamatic Universe Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear in Asgard, the home of the Asgardians.
You appear in Wakanda, a technologically advanced nation.
Avengers Tower
You appear in the Avengers Tower.
You appear in Knowhere, the severed head of a Celestial.
The Raft
You appear in the Raft, a prison with the sole purpose of containing people with superpowers.
You appear in Sokovia.
Dark Dimension
You appear in the Dark Dimension, which is ruled by Dormammu.
Alien World
You appear on one of the worlds seen within the MCU.
One Piece Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear on an Island, not on the Grand Line or Red Line.
Grand Line
You appear somewhere within the Grand Line (Not the Red Line).
Red Line
You appear somewhere on the Red Line.
Fallout New Vegas Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
New California Republic
You appear in the NCR. This nation is the only democracy in the wasteland. Less raiders will be found here, but not none.
New Vegas
You appear in New Vegas. This city is a glimmering star in the wasteland. Order is enforced by the mysterious Mr. House and his army of robots.
You appear in Legion territory. This militaristic conglomeration of tribes is lead by a man named Caesar.
Big MT
You appear in the Big MT, a hollowed out mountain research facility. This city sized facility is filled with murderous robots and insane scientists uploaded into computers.
The Divide
You appear in The Divide. This region was once a thriving trade community, now home to a legion of irradiated ghouls and strange monsters.
Zion Canyon
You appear in Zion Canyon. This land is inhabited by several warring tribes, but little of the broader conflicts have reached here
Capital Wasteland
You appear in the Capital Wasteland, the remains of prewar Washington DC and the surrounding area.
You appear in Anchorage Alaska. This land was home to the the final battles between America and China in the Great War.
You appear in the commonwealth. this region is home to varying groups. Among them are the institute, a group capable of creating synthetic humans, and the Minutemen, a group dedicated to protecting the commonwealth from danger.
Sierra Madre
You appear in the Sierra Madre, a long hidden hotel. It is home to a deadly cloud and many other experimental technologies.
You appear in the Boneyard. This city built in the remnants of Los Angeles is one of the largest in the NCR. It has become far more stable under the control of the NCR.
You appear in a Vault, an underground bunker meant to protect the population from a nuclear holocaust. Secretly, most Vaults were meant to be used to conduct experiments on the inhabitants.
Practical Guide to Evil Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear within a Callowan city. This nation has been occupied by the Praesi empire for 10 years.
Dread Empire of Praes
You appear within a Praesi city. Also known as the wasteland, this nation practices human sacrifice and demon summoning.
Principalities of Procer
You appear in a Proceran city. This nation is ruled by princes who gather in a high assembly. Companies of mercenaries are common and magic is viewed with suspicion.
Free Cities
You appear in one of the free cities. These independent city-states each have their own ideologies and governments. Wars between them are common.
You appear within Arcadia. This world is ruled by the Fae. These powerful beings live through stories and exist in a cyclical system of Courts.
Empire Ever Dark
You appear in the Empire Ever Dark. This underground empire of drow was once resplendent, now it has fallen into a pit of bitter fighting and doom, but is no less mighty. The drow worship their goddess of the Night, Sve Noc. Any humans here are slaves.
The Hells
You appear in one of the many Hells. This hell with either be occupied by powerful demons or an infinite horde of devils.
Kingdom Under
You appear in the Kingdom Under. This vast Dwarven nation is the most powerful in Caledonia. Non dwarves cannot own property and stealing from them is not a crime.
Dominion of Levant
You appear in the Dominion of Levant. This nation is ruled by the lineage of its founding heroes.
Golden Bloom
You appear in the Golden Bloom. This nation within a forest is inhabited by elves. These powerful beings left their homeland and invaded the Golden Bloom to create an ethnostate.
Chain of Hunger
You appear in the Chain of Hunger. This land is filled with ratlings, foul ratlike beings that rove in great warbands.
You appear in the Titanomachy. This nation of the Gigantes is home to the oldest magics in Calernia.
Kingdom of the Dead
You appear in the Kingdom of the Dead. This barren, poisoned land is home to the Dead King, the most powerful being on the continent. Staying here is a good way to end up dead.
X-Men Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear on Krakoa, a living island that serves as a safe haven for mutants.
Blue Area of the Moon
You appear somewhere in the Blue Area of the Moon, an area on the moon that is habitable.
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
You appear somewhere in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, a school for mutants and the home base of the X-Men.
You appear somewhere in the Principality of Madripoor, an island in southeast Asia notable as a city of vice, racism, clubs, sex, guns, violence, and extreme social inequality.
You appear somewhere on Genosha, a mutant-only island that is ruled by Magneto.
You appear somewhere in the Mojoverse, a dimension ruled by Mojo.
State Home for Foundlings
You appear somewhere in the State Home for Foundlings, an orphanage that serves as a cover for an underground laboratory that experiments on mutants.
Weapon X Facility
You appear somewhere in the Weapon X Facility, a secret lab dedicated to creating supersoldiers.
Mass Effect Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Collector Base
You appear somewhere on the Collector Base, a space station in the galactic core on the accretion disk of a black hole. It is inhabited by the Collectors, the twisted remains of the Protheans which are now nothing more than another tool for the Reapers.
You appear somewhere on the Citadel, a massive space station that serves as the political and cultural heart of the galaxy. It is home to the Citadel Council as well as the Catalyst, the guiding intelligence behind the Reapers.
Cronos Station
You appear somewhere on Cronos Station, the main headquarters of Cerberus, a human supremacist terrorist group
You appear somewhere on Tuchanka, the Krogan homeworld. All forms of life on this planet are highly aggressive, including the few plants there are.
You appear somewhere on Thessia, the Asari homeworld. Thessia is the core of the largest economy in the galaxy and has an incredibly low rate of poverty, disease, and other social ills.
You appear somewhere on Illium, an Asari colony and economic powerhouse. Illium is famous for its abusive labor practices and legalization of nearly everything except murder.
You appear somewhere on Palaven, the Turian homeworld. As the homeworld of the most militaristic of the citadel races, Palaven is a fortress world where the culture is heavily focused on public service and duty.
You appear somewhere on Sur'Kesh, the Salarian homeworld. Covered in jungles and oceans, the salarians have long since explored every nook and cranny of their homeworld.
You appear somewhere on Omega, a space station in the lawless Terminal Systems. A haven for criminals, terrorists, and other malcontents, Omega is a hub for narcotics, weapons, and other illicit activities.
You appear somewhere on Noveria, a human world dominated by corporate interests. Noveria is often used for research too dangerous or controversial to conduct elsewhere.
You appear somewhere on Virmire, a lush frontier world. Virmire is almost totally uninhabited, save for Saren's research facility
Eden Prime
You appear somewhere on Eden Prime, an idyllic agrarian world. Eden Prime rose to prominence after it was attacked by Saren and his geth.
A Song of Ice and Fire Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
King's Landing
You appear in King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.
The Wall
You appear in or near the Wall.
You appear in Dragonstone.
The Citadel
You appear in the Citadel.
You appear in Braavos.
You appear in Winterfell.
Casterly Rock
You appear in Casterly Rock.
You appear in Highgarden.
You appear in Sunspear.
The Eyrie
You appear in or near the Eyrie.
The Twins
You appear in or near the Twins.
Iron Islands
You appear somewhere on the Iron Islands.
Skyrim Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear in Solitude, the capital hold of Skyrim. Publicly, the place is considered to be firmly in the hands of the Empire of Cyrodiil, but there are secret Stormcloak camps even here. A major port is located right outside the city walls and the East Empire Trading Company has a major presence in the port.
You appear in Windhelm. Once the capital of the ancient First Empire of the Nords, Windhelm is now the beating heart of the Stormcloak rebellion. The Nord residents are a proud warrior people, but their xenophobic attitudes against non-humans is well known.
You appear in Mournhold, the capital of Morrowind. Once, it was a magnificent city under the prosperous Tribunal Era of the Dunmer, but now it is a shadow of its former self. Ransacked by the An-xileel during the Accession War and covered by the ashes of Red Mountain, the city seems to be the very embodiment of the suffering of the Dunmer people.
Imperial City
You appear in the heart of Cyrodiil, in the Imperial City. Originally built on the backs of the nedic slaves of the Ayleids, the city has been in human hands since the rebellion of Slave Queen Alessia. Once, it represented the power of man, but today, that power wanes. With the signing of the White Gold Concordat and the increasing Aldmeri presence, it seems as if the age of Mer is once more dawning.
You appear in Wayrest, one of the major powers of the Iliac Bay region. What had started as a minor fishing village and rest stop for travelers and traders has since become a bustling city. After the famed Warp in the West, Wayrest is one of four major kingdoms in the region.
Raven Rock
You appear in Raven Rock on the island of Solstheim. What had once started as a mining town in the late third era under the purview of the East Empire Company has since become a major refugee location for the Dunmer people.
Puella Magi Madoka Magika Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear on the homeworld of the Incubators
Fairy Tail Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear somewhere in the parallel world of Edolas, where magic is normally only able to be cast using Lacrima, or magic batteries.
You appear within the Alvarez Empire on the continent of Alakitasia. The empire is led by Zeref.
You appear within the city of Magnolia, the city where the Fairy Tail guild is headquartered.
You appear within the city of Margaret, the city where the Lamia Scale guild is headquartered.
You appear within the town of Hargeon, one of Fiore's major ports.
Tower of Heaven
You appear within the Tower of Heaven, good luck escaping being a slave.
Oak Town
You appear within Oak Town, the town where the Phantom Lord guild is headquartered.
You Appear within the Tartaros dark guild's castle.
Guild Building
You appear inside or right outside a guild building—not just of any ordinary random guild, but one with at least one S-Rank Mage.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Camp Halfblood
You appear inside the barrier of Camp Halfblood.
New Rome
You appear within New Rome.
Gods Above
You appear on Olympus
Should I take a left... or my other left?
You appear within the Labyrinth.
You appear within the Underworld
You appear within Tartarus. You cannot teleport out.
You appear right before a Primordial Deity.
River Styx
You appear within the River Styx.
Re:Zero Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear in the city of Lugnica, the capital of the Kingdom of Lugnica.
Roswaal's Mansion
You appear in or around Roswaal's Mansion.
Pleiades Watchtower
You appear at the entrance to the Pleiades Watchtower. The Evil Sealing Stone Shrine, where Satella is sealed, is located here.
Sanctuary of Kremaldy
You appear in the Sanctuary of Kremaldy, also known as the Witch of Greed's Graveyard.
DanMachi Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
You appear in Babel, a tower built over the Dungeon to prevent monsters from escaping. It is home to the Gods.
Guild Building
You appear inside or right outside a Guild building.
You appear in Orario, the city built around the Dungeon.
Dungeon 1-20
You appear on a floor in the dungeon. Roll a 1d20, that's what floor you're on. You cannot teleport out of the dungeon or to another floor for the first 100 hours of your time in DanMachi.
Dungeon 21-40
You appear on a floor in the dungeon. Roll a 1d20, add a 20 to that and that's what floor you're on. You cannot teleport out of the dungeon or to another floor for the first 100 hours of your time in DanMachi.
Dungeon 41-60
You appear on a floor in the dungeon. Roll a 1d20, add a 40 to that and that's what floor you're on. You cannot teleport out of the dungeon or to another floor for the first 100 hours of your time in DanMachi.
Dungeon 61-80
You appear on a floor in the dungeon. Roll a 1d20, add a 60 to that and that's what floor you're on. You cannot teleport out of the dungeon or to another floor for the first 100 hours of your time in DanMachi.
Dungeon 81-100
You appear on a floor in the dungeon. Roll a 1d20, add an 80 to that and that's what floor you're on. You cannot teleport out of the dungeon or to another floor for the first 100 hours of your time in DanMachi.
Legend of Zelda Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Hyrule Castle
You appear in or around Hyrule Castle, the seat of the government of Hyrule. It is also usually home to the Royal Family of Hyrule, including Princess Zelda.
Dark World
You appear somewhere in the Dark World, a corrupted parallel dimension.
Lost Woods
You appear in the Lost Woods, a maze-like forest.
Sacred Realm
You appear in the Sacred Realm, a parallel dimension that contains the Triforce.
Death Mountain
You appear on or around Death Mountain.
Lake Hylia
You appear in or near Lake Hylia, the largest body of water in Hyrule. It is commonly guarded by the Zora.
You appear inside one of the Temples or Shrines in the Zelda universe, one that exists and is accessible during your chosen time period.
Undertale Location
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in the next sections, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
Mt. Ebott
You appear on Mt. Ebott.
You appear in the ruins at the bottom of the hole leading into Mt. Ebott. You cannot exit the Underground until the Barrier is destroyed.
You appear in the town of Snowdin, a town perpetually covered in snow and ice. It is home to many Monsters, including Sans and Papyrus. You cannot exit the Underground until the Barrier is destroyed.
You appear in Waterfall, a strange place full of bioluminescent plants, glowing water, and strange rock formations. It is home to several Monsters, such as Napstablook and Undyne. The Temmie Village is also located here. You cannot exit the Underground until the Barrier is destroyed.
You appear in Hotland, an arid region over a lake of magma. Alphys' lab is located here, as well as the CORE, which produces power for the rest of the Underground. You cannot exit the Underground until the Barrier is destroyed.
New Home
You appear in New Home, the capital of the Kingdom of Monsters. It is the most populated area of the Underground. The Barrier is located here. You cannot exit the Underground until the Barrier is destroyed.
Earth Locations
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here if it contradicts your location in a different section, such as Brockton Bay and Europe.
North America
Choose any location in North America, you'll find yourself there. This includes Greenland, Central America, and any island between the Americas and Europe as well as any island between the Americas and Asia that is not a part of Australia.
Choose any location in Europe, you'll find yourself there.
Choose any location in Australia, you'll find yourself there. This includes other places in Oceania, like New Zealand.
South America
Choose any location in South America, you'll find yourself there.
Choose any location in Asia, you'll find yourself there.
Choose any location in Africa, you'll find yourself there.
Choose any location in Antarctica or the North Pole, you'll find yourself there.
Locations (Available to Non-Earths)
Where were you reborn/transported? Do not take a location here that contradicts your location in the above sections.
None of these options are applicable. This means you can choose something else, but nothing crazy. You can't choose to appear on Scion's main body, or on your own world. Be reasonable.
You don't get to choose your starting location.
Main Character's House
If the Main Character of the setting has a house, you appear right outside of it, or, if you want, inside of it. If they don't have a house, you appear in their resting space, even if that's just a camp or hotel room.
Main Character's Face
You appear before the setting's Main Character. They will be fully clothed and decent when this happens.
Main Antagonist's House
If the Main Antagonist of the setting has a house, you appear right outside of it, or, if you want, inside of it. If they don't have a house, you appear in their resting space, even if that's just a camp or hotel room.
Main Antagonist's Face
You appear before the setting's Main Antagonist. They will be fully clothed and decent when this happens.
Intruder Alert
You appear inside the base of people who will assume you to be an enemy.
You find yourself in the middle of an Ocean with no islands within hundreds of miles at minimum.
You find yourself on the bright side of the Moon. If you are in a setting where there are multiple planets, this can put you on another planet's moon as long as it is uninhabitable.
When multiple people trigger with powers in close proximity they can form a cluster. You can gain your powers in just such a way. Be warned, cluster triggers are never simple and often deadly.
You have triggered as part of a cluster, making you a "grab bag" cape. You and everyone else in your cluster receives a weakened power based off each of the other members' powers. You do not recieve any of the powers you selected. Instead, each member of your cluster (including you) has a single random power from among the powers you selected. They each have the rest of the powers at half strength. Thus comes the first danger of cluster triggers. Each member will be either a kiss, neutral, or kill member. The Kiss/Kill dynamic is mutual. There will be Kiss/Kill dynamics between other members besides yourself. Kiss members are predisposed towards working with you and forming close bonds. This behavior will almost certainly be obsessive. Neutral members are not influenced towards or away from you. Kill members are predisposed towards working against you and feel hostility towards you. They will almost certainly try to kill you.
You must choose how many members are in your cluster. There is a maximum of ten across all types.
Kiss Members
Neutral Members
Kill Members
Many clusters have some special mechanic that makes them unique. You may take on such gimmicks in exchange for points.
Each day one member of the cluster's powers are significantly stronger. The next day it moves to the next person in the cycle. If a cluster member dies their turn is skipped.
Sleep Tight
Your cluster will experience a shared dream each night. They will fall asleep at exactly the same time and be forced to experience a dream of one members memories before being deposited into a dream room where they are free to interact. The memories are from the next member in the cycle each night.
An Eye for an Eye
Each night you receive several power tokens, small objects that represent a portion of your power's strength. You can keep them to receive your normal power or trade them to the other members to increase their power. They can do the same.
Anything You Can Do
Skills possessed by clustermates will mix, granting each member some of the abilities of each other member.
Monster Mash
Each member of the cluster will have the effects of Case 53 at whatever level of appearance you chose for yourself.
In it Together
Everyone in your cluster is effected by the perks and drawbacks you have chosen.
Each night a mental vote is held. The member with the most votes has significantly stronger powers the next day. Ties go to no one.
Buddy System
The closer each member is to each other the stronger their powers are
Identical Triplets
Other people all recognize each member of the cluster as the same person. You can identify yourself through codes and other such systems but your appearance and voice will never be enough.
Your powers are such that they are far less effective on their own, but far more effective in tandem. If a member of the cluster dies your powers shift to not need them.
Early Bird Gets the Worm
The strength of each members powers shift across the course of the day. Everyday you will experience a full range from 0% to 200% strength.
Cluster members that die appear as ghosts invisible to anyone but the cluster members. The same is true for sound.
Made for Each Other
Portions of each member's personalities will be swapped randomly to the other members.
Get Out of my Room
Each day each member of the cluster will teleport to the location of the clustermate next in the cycle.
We Finish Each Others...
You can't read each other's minds, but each member of your cluster understands how the others will react to different situations, and gets a gut feeling about secrets the others are keeping
Team Theme
The powers of the cluster will all be from the same random power classification. i.e. all breakers.
Duck Duck...
You may choose the powers of each of your cluster members. You must abide by any other gimmicks you chose that regulate what powers they receive.
You may select up to 3 'Companions': people who will automatically unconditionally trust you, and consider you an ally, close friend, or even honorary family member depending on their personality, and are unlikely to intentionally betray you unless you deeply betray them first. By default, these people will automatically trust and help you without any real reason even if you've never met before, but if you chose to reincarnate in some form then you can choose to have some kind of history or background with them if you so desire. That said, these people maintain their original/canon personalities and won't do anything that they wouldn't normally do without being mastered or otherwise persuaded to do. Note: If you insert as a character you intend to make a companion, don't, as this option does not create a new version of them for you to befriend. Also, as this is essentially a master effect if you've never met the character before, no one will ever consider the possibility of you having mastered someone you've chosen as a companion unless you actually master them with a power you possess, from the CYOA or otherwise.

Dean Stansfield
Cape Name: Gallant Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: 17 Power: He can see emotions and can shoot emotion blasts. The stronger the emotion he's blasting, the more force comes with it. Appearance: Handsome Civilian Identity: Student Quality of Life: Good (Ward, Loving Girlfriend, Wealthy, Friends)

Theo Anders
Cape Name: None Alignment: True Good Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: 15 Power: He has not yet triggered with his powers. Theo's power is to embed his limbs into a surface to project a larger version of his limbs some distance away on a similar surface. Appearance: Bulky Civilian Identity: Student, Son of Max Anders Quality of Life: Low (Filthy Rich, Lives with Father he Dislikes, Father is Head of a Neo-Nazi Gang, Father Tried to Pair him up with Rune, a Neo-Nazi Cape, Friendless)

Cape Name: Aegis Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: 17 Power: He adapts to damage and can fly. His adaption allows him to act as if his body was at peak capacity no matter how much damage has been done to him. His body has a lot of redundancies. He does not feel pain. Appearance: Handsome Civilian Identity: Student Quality of Life: Unknown (Ward)

Cape Name: Kid Win Alignment: True Good Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: 16 Power: Chris is a Tinker specializing in modularity. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: Student Quality of Life: Unknown (Ward)

Dennis "Dynamite"
Cape Name: Clockblocker Alignment: True Good Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: 17 Power: He can freeze something in time with a touch. It stays frozen for 30 seconds to 10 minutes. He can freeze something with only a fraction of a second of contact. He tagged Leviathan, the fastest Endbringer, without getting injured. Appearance: Attractive Civilian Identity: Student Quality of Life: Meh (Father has Cancer, Ward, Friends) Disclaimer: His surname is not actually Dynamite, he just likes to claim it is.

Cape Name: Parian Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Female Age: 21 Power: Sabah has fine telekinetic control over materials that weigh less than a half-pound. She can infuse porous materials with her power to control larger objects. Human flesh is the best material for her power, giving her more control and strengthening the material. Appearance: Attractive Civilian Identity: College Student Quality of Life: Unknown (Family, College)

Taylor Anne Hebert
Cape Name: None Alignment: True Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Male Age: 15 Power: Total control of all arthropods within 3 to 5 blocks as well as infinite multitasking. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: High-School Quality of Life: Low (Bullying, Poor home life, Poor)

Cape Name: Miss Militia Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Male Age: ~30 Power: The ability to form weapons from a semi-sentient blue-black blur of energy. These weapons have unlimited ammo and can only be mundane in origin. She also has perfect memory and doesn't need to sleep. Appearance: Beautiful Civilian Identity: Unknown Quality of Life: Unknown (Job she loved)

Colin Wallis
Cape Name: Armsmaster Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Male Sex: Male Gender Preference in Regard to Romance: Female Age: Unknown (Definitely an Adult) Power: A Tinker whose specialization is miniaturization and efficiency. He is one of the best Tinkers alive, as well as among the most powerful Parahumans. Appearance: Handsome Civilian Identity: Unknown Quality of Life: Stressful (Only really friends with Dragon, Stressed, Wants to do better, Feels like he should be better, Feels like he's hit a glass ceiling)

Dinah Alcott
Cape Name: None Alignment: True Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: 12 Power: Dinah can predict the future as percentages. Doing so too much will give her headaches. Appearance: Above-Average Civilian Identity: Middle-School Quality of Life: Awful (Being hunted by Coil's men, knows she's being hunted by Coil, Knows that when she's caught awful things will be done to her, Often has bad Thinker Headaches)

Victoria Dallon
Cape Name: Glory Girl Alignment: True Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Male (Dating Dean Stansfield) Age: 17 Power: She has a force field that can block any blow no matter how powerful, but any powerful impact will bring it down for about two seconds, longer if it's a sustained hit. She can fly at almost 80 miles per hour. She has super strength, strong enough to allow her to lift about 14 tons. She has an emotional aura that makes it so those around her are either in awe or fear of her, but it isn't considered a Master effect since it isn't lasting. Appearance: Beautiful Civilian Identity: High-School Quality of Life: High (Popular, Famous, Wealthy, Loving boyfriend)

Cape Name: Dauntless Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: ~30 Power: Can put charges in items to give them powers. This slowly makes them more powerful. Active combat speeds up the collection of charges. Appearance: Unknown Civilian Identity: Unknown Quality of Life: Content (He had everything he wanted from live, but wasn't ambitious, Protectorate, Rising Star of Protectorate ENE, Famous)

Cape Name: Myrddin Alignment: True Good Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: Unknown Power: Myrddin can access a variety of pocket dimensions to banish people, create blasts of wind, collect matter and shoot it as a bullet, fly, and clean up radiation. Myrddin can also glimpse how powers work. Appearance: Unknown Civilian Identity: Unknown Quality of Life: Unknown (Protectorate Leader)

Tess Theresa Richter
Cape Name: Dragon Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Female Sex: None Sexual Preference: Male Age: >5 Power: Dragon is an artificial intelligence. She can analyze Tinkertech and create new Tinkertech based on what she has analyzed. Appearance: Case 53-like, servers and robotic bodies Civilian Identity: No Civilian Quality of Life: Poor (constantly surveilled by the Dragonslayers, Restricted from reproducing, Required to obey the lawful authorities, put human lives before her own, cannot modify her own code, or think faster than a set speed, Dragonslayers have access to a program called Ascalon that can kill her at any time)

Missy Biron
Cape Name: Vista Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Male (Crush on Dean Stansfield) Age: 12 Power: Missy can warp space on a continental scale but living beings interfere with her powers. Appearance: Attractive Civilian Identity: Middle-Schooler Quality of Life: Low (Family issues, Feels like she's looked down on because of her age)

Cape Name: Flechette Alignment: True Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Female Age: 17 Power: Lily could infuse nonliving objects with the ability to ignore select laws of physics, including the ability to go through anything. She also has an intuitive understanding of angles, trajectories as well as an enhanced sense of timing. Appearance: Attractive Civilian Identity: High-School Quality of Life: Unknown (Ward)

Amy Dallon
Cape Name: Panacea Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Female Age: 15 Power: Biokinesis. Amy Dallon has the ability to manipulate the biology of any lifeform. She also has an increased understanding of how they work. She can only do this with organisms she is touching. She cannot alter her own biology, though can alter the biology of the germs on her skin. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: High-School Quality of Life: Low (Stress, Repression, In the closet, Overwork)

Emily Piggot
Cape Name: None Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: Middle Aged Power: None Appearance: Ugly Civilian Identity: PRT ENE Director Quality of Life: Low (Crippling injuries, Obese, Needs Dialysis regularly, Does have power and influence as the director.)

Doctor Mother
Cape Name: None Alignment: True Good Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: Late 40’s to early 50’s Power: None Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: Power Broker Quality of Life: Good (Leader of an interdimensional conspiracy)

Cape Name: Faultline Alignment: True Neutral Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: Mid Twenties Power: Faultline has the ability to separate molecular bonds in any non-living material to make holes or cuts by touching it. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: Quality of Life: Good (Leader of a tight knit team)

Brian Laborn
Cape Name: Grue Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: 17 Power: He can create a smoke-like darkness that erases all light and sound. It also weakens or temporarily removes some powers. Appearance: Handsome Civilian Identity: Workforce Quality of Life: Decent (Wealthy, Comfortable Living, Trying to Gain Custody of Sister)

Cape Name: Newter Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: Young Adult Power: Secretes a hallucinogenic fluid from his skin at all times. He is noticeably tougher than a normal human. Can move through a fight faster than a human can throw a punch and can leap over 15 feet. Appearance: Average, Case 53 Civilian Identity: Mercenary Quality of life: Decent (Part of a tight nit team, Doesn't remember his past)

Sarah Livsey
Cape Name: Tattletale Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Most Known As: Lisa Wilbourn Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Asexual (This will overwrite your own sexual preference) Age: 16 Power: Her power helps her deduce things, often times without sufficient evidence. However, without enough evidence she can get really incorrect answers. She gets headaches if she uses her powers too much. Appearance: Attractive Civilian Identity: Graduated Early, Jobless Quality of Life: Varied (Rich, Coerced Labor, Comfortable Living, Gun to the Head)

Aisha Laborn
Cape Name: None Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Male Age: 13 Power: She has not yet triggered with her powers. When she does, she is incredibly hard to notice when her power is active, to the point of nearly being invisible. It is still possible to detect her through cameras or smell, but it's hard to link that smell to her. Appearance: Beautiful Civilian Identity: Middle-School Student Quality of Life: Poor (Single Mom, Brother not always there, Drug Addict Mom, Mom sleeps around, Poor, Lives in Empire 88 aka Neo-Nazi territory)

Jean-Paul Vasil
Most Known As: Alec Cape Name: Regent Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: 14 Power: He can control other peoples' nervous systems. At first all he can do is make them twitch, but if he's around someone long enough he can control their entire body. The farther away and more people he controls the harder it is. He can use their powers. Appearance: Pretty Civilian Identity: None Quality of Life: Good (Recovering Sociopath via Repeated Trauma, Hunted by Family, Wealthy, Comfortable Living)

Cape Name: Labyrinth Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: Unknown Power: Elle can superimpose objects and locations from pocket worlds onto the surrounding area. The longer she have been in an area, the greater her range. Her power is affected by her mental state, the less lucid she is, the stronger her power. Appearance: Unknown Civilian Identity: Mercenary Quality of Life: Decent (Part of a tight nit team, Power makes focusing on the world difficult)

Cape Name: Glaistig Uaine Alignment: True Neutral Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: More than 28 Power: Ciara can collect the imprints of recently deceased Parahumans around her. She can summon 3 of these Parahumans as shades that she controls. Ciara can also kill a Parahuman by touching them or a manifestation of their power. She can summon more at a steep cost to individual strength. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: Prisoner Quality of Life: Low (Imprisoned in the birdcage, Hated and feared by the world, Disconnected from reality)

Sophia Hess
Cape Name: Shadow Stalker Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Male Age: 15 Power: Sophiacan enter a shadow-like breaker state in which she is lightweight and capable of phasing through matter. Electricity will harm her in this state. Appearance: Attractive Civilian Identity: High School Student Quality of Life: Varied (Friends at school, Abusive step-father at home)

Cape Name: Marquis Alignment: Lawful Evil Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: Middle Aged Power: Marquis can manipulate bone. He can grow and shrink his own bones but not other people’s bones. He cannot control bones inside of people unless he can see them. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: Prisoner Quality of Life: Low (Prisoner in the Birdcage, Separated from his daughter)

Rain O'Fire Frazier
Cape Name: Precipice Alignment: True Evil Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: 13 Power: Rain can fire blades that create lines on hit surfaces and if that surface is struck it splits along the line. He has a Tinker specialization in frail prosthetic arms. He can stop in place at any speed. He can spread mild guilt and doubt over an area. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: Cultist Quality of Life: Low (Part of a cult, Abusive family)

Max Anders
Cape Name: Kaiser Alignment: True Evil Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: ~35 Power: Kaiser can create metal objects that extend from a solid surface around him. The metal can be iron or steel. Appearance: Handsome Civilian Identity: CEO Quality of Life: Ambitious (Rich CEO, Gang Leader, Feared, Hated, Followed)

Thomas Calvert
Cape Name: Coil Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: Unknown (Definitely an Adult) Power: Coil uses precognition to follow two timelines where he makes different choices. Appearance: Thin and Skeletal Civilian Identity: PRT Quality of Life: Ambitious (Gang Leader, Filthy Rich)

Elijah Mathers
Cape Name: Valefor Alignment: True Evil Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: Older Teenager Power: Valefor can induce suggestibility in people by looking at them. He can then implant triggers or orders, including erasing the memory of the suggestion. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: Cultist Quality of Life: Low (Lives in a cult)

Cape Name: Jack Slash Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: 37 Power: Extends the cutting edge of a bladed object, the longer the edge the farther it extends. Also gives him unconscious feelings in regard to Parahumans that helped him survive for decades as a notorious mass murderer. Appearance: Handsome Civilian Identity: Mass Murderer Quality of Life: Happy (Torturing and scaring the masses, Killing the masses, Being the monster under the bed)

Cape Name: Lung Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: ~30 Power: He starts as a low level brute, but he grows stronger and slowly transforms into a dragon the longer he fights. He has pyrokinesis and enhanced senses that grow stronger the more he grows. Appearance: Muscular Civilian Identity: Unknown Quality of Life: Content (Ruled a Gang, Wealthy, Feared)

Riley Grace Davis
Cape Name: Bonesaw Alignment: Lawful Evil Gender: Female Sex: Female Sexual Preference: Unknown Age: 14 (Probably) Power: Riley is a powerful biotinker. Basically, she has advanced knowledge of all fields relating to biology, including the ability to make surgery equipment and make chemicals. This knowledge cannot be reproduced by non-Tinkers. Appearance: Attractive Civilian Identity: Mass Murderer Quality of Life: Unstable (Insane, Mass Murderer, Manipulated by Insane Mass Murderer, Turns humans into monsters)

William Manton
Cape Name: None Alignment: True Evil Gender: Male Sex: Male Sexual Preference: Female Age: Unknown (Middle Aged) Power: Manton is a powerful Master that creates a projection that is a hole in reality, known as the Siberian. The Siberian is completely invulnerable, as well as anything she touches if she so chooses, including other humans that aren't her projector. She's also an unstoppable force, equal to Sting in power. She would get temporarily popped by Clockblocker or Flechette, or other powers that involve unstoppable forces or immovable objects. After 30 seconds, she reappears somewhere random within 100 meters of where she was popped. She's both the Unstoppable Force and the Immovable Object. Short of outliving her powers, she is unkillable. Appearance: Average Civilian Identity: Mass Murderer Quality of Life: Low (Insane, Grieving daughter)